TIL about powerships, special purpose ships on which a power plant is installed to serve as a power generation resource until a local power plant is built or until high demand in power supply is over
This has been done before,in the 1920s the USS Lexington, an electromotive aircraft carrier, was hooked up to Seattle to provide power when a hydro plant went dry in a drought.
That makes sense. In an earlier climate conference some oil billionaires had a similar idea, but instead to create artificial scarcity and drive energy prices up by moving the power plant to the highest bidder
We already have floating nuclear power plants and we’ve never had an issue with one (in the US at least). Look at any modern aircraft carrier or naval submarine. Many of them are able to be connected to shore and power nearby buildings in emergencies.
Some countries depend on them, Dominican republic for example. According to the locals it's been reliable except during hurricanes, but that's an extreme.