Crytek went so overboard on the Crysis tech it created a whole blushing system, implemented nose shadows, and sent devs to photograph leaves in Haiti to get the translucency right...
The first time I played Crisis, I was already in awe because of that brilliant sunrise opening scene. As I'm creeping through the jungle towards the next objective, I hear loud running water and decide to see what it is.
They put in an absolutely stunning waterfall off to the side, complete with rainbows and ferns growing up around the base. One of those few memorable, special times when a game had the right art direction, graphics tech, and hit at just the right moment for me to all culminate in a real feeling of wonder and joy.
I tend to be very cynical about games being able to do that to me anymore, and it is much rarer with how commonplace high-definition but artistically uninspired assets have gotten. But it still happens now and then, the last time being Elden Ring which did have impressive art and design, and did "wow" me several times.
I just discovered a game called Vintage Story which seems to have some pretty good looking landscapes despite being originally based on a Minecraft-like visual style.
Although i played Crysis back days ago (with lowest settings because my laptop has not so great GPU), i still like it compared to modern days game. The graphics is so great even made me speechless what EA can do back then, the physics and has large view distance is so great especially when you see the sun rise after you land.
Although it's semi open world it's still amaze me because how big the map is, i remembered the last mission The Last Man Standing is taken above carrier ship i guess...... The ship feels so huge & have lots of room.
Overall 10/10