OK, so the logic behind the name and convention of this space is that “Authoritarianism” Is a term that only exists to use and describe The other. Specifically, that the US can do authoritarian things
You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nr, nr, n***"r.” By 1968 you can’t say “nr”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nr, n****r.”
I have you marked as the non-US troll who didn't understand the Trail of Tears. Seems like you keep putting America into a specific antagonizing scenario and can't seem to understand why others don't agree with you.
Let's be clear: Authoritarianism runs governments. Authoritarianism is a political leaning which is found in tankies and fascists alike and yet you seem determined to make America fascist. The oligarchs took over and the rest of us are stuck and unable to change a system that was rigged against the people. Authoritarians struggle to see a world that isn't a hierarchy and which doesn't require ghoulish "incentive" to work. They want to make two distinct types of people, Us and Them. Exactly what you are doing. Get the fuck out of here you wolf in sheep's clothing.
I have to say, the ethnocentrism paradox at the core of this post may be our final weapon in the fight against the AI uprising. I'm saving this one for an emergency.
If they're referring to all the PoC who voted for Trump, is that not part of the problem?
Edit: Lemmy loves making MASSIVE logical leaps with very little ACTUAL context.
To anyone who will answer; are the intentions behind the down votes and silly leaps under this comment meant to imply that if you're not white and you voted for Trump, it's okay?
It’s always the one person who commits a crime but comes from a wealthy, stable family or the one person who’s actually ok with the pennies they get from welfare or the one LGBTQ person who does something heinous that ya’ll use to try to shit down every argument for treating people with basic respect and dignity(well, without them having to beg for it).
Nevermind the first person is probably a white boy who gets away with it or white-collar criminal, the second is the same person getting handouts and still laying off their working-class workforce so they can increase profits, and the last does just kinda suck but it’s also probably a priest who molests children and then preaches about how being gay is bad.
Oh and it didn’t work with my format but if someone doesn’t follow-through with their free education but ten other people get to earn degrees or other training that they normally wouldn’t have access to then that’s fine by me. Stop looking for excuses to be terrible to people and start looking for opportunities to help them.