The entire first chapter of the Communist Manifesto is practically a grudging praise of capitalism. It even makes Marx's attack on capitalism in the same document sound somewhat hollow.
The feudal system of obligations to people who let you use their land predates the modern Capitalism where you hold obligations to people who let you use their capital.
The codependency of industry leading to far greater productive output, but requiring far greater up-front investments, providing the already wealthy a headstart in the race for getting even more wealthy is one of the contributing factors to modern Capitalism, but feudalism predates it by at least a millennium, depending on what point you take as the "birth" of feudalism.
Neither is particularly saintly. Both are systems of exploitation by the wealthy, just the form of wealth has (notionally) changed. Same shit, different coat of paint.
So what's in the post venture capital cards now that it is petty and faltering and evolving into unchecked neo feudalism?
In the present, anyone with all the answers is a dangerous fool.
My money is going on a long shot of recovering a m-type astroid. It risks everything by making all of Earth's present wealth meaningless, but it also has the potential to make the present into the stone age of silicon by comparison. If Musk could claim an m-type, he is basically defacto emperor of the entire world.
Sorry, but Feudalism seems much better than the shit we have now.. You work hard so you can afford a home that you only sleep in because you're working to stay in that home.
At least with feudalism you work the land to sustain yourself, and you get several months off.
Do you mean the system where you'd rent land from the local lord of the manor, who extracts revenue and services for the privilege of having been granted the right to do that to you by someone else, who enforces that right with violence? The system where you'd spend your "several months off" trying to find some other way to earn money to increase your margin of survival so a bad harvest doesn't mean you now have to ration your food for the year and hope your kids pull through malnutrition without starving? The system where the lord will force you to go to war for more land for him to hold and extract revenue from?