The worry is people being pushed into it by family who don't want to care for them. Or just people who feel like a burden.
Before it becomes law I'm sure the protections will be made iron clad but it is a real worry.
My nan is having to sell her house to pay for the care home. I can imagine people wanting to get their relatives out of the way to avoid losing their inheritance.
Except we don't "just" feel like a burden, we are very deliberately made to feel that way by ableist capitalism, with the help of the state, and a multi-trillion pound media industry that pushes that narrative relentlessly because we're the easiest scapegoat to blame the empty tax pot and other ills of society on, to distract from those really to blame.
The "this is great, I'd rather die than be disabled" many abled people react to this legislation with is part of that ableist narrative, because they can see, even if they won't register it consciously to themselves, how badly society treats disabled people, and realise it'd be easier for them to opt out if they hypothetically became disabled (which is significantly more likely than them winning the lottery, for example), than to try and fix society for those already there.
(to be clear, I agree with you and am glad to see someone else who isn't thrilled about this, and I'm just adding to your point because so many people completely neglect to take these factors in to account)
Reading these links, I don't really understand why, for example, Disability Rights UK are against the assisted dying bill. They don't say what's wrong with the bill, they just say it's bad. This bill is aimed at terminally ill people not disabled people, and its not clear from those links what the issue is.
The only links of yours that do explain in detail the issues with the bill, are relating to an unrelated Scottish bill.
I was reading about this on the BBC feed and it looked like the Conservatives (right wing) were more in favour of this than Labour or Lib Dems(left wing). Not what I was expecting. Most of them seemed to take issue with the legal protections in place to stop people being coerced into ending their lives but some also seemed to be prioritising the family over the terminally ill.
The legal protection in this case being a literal high court judge having to check the person is not being coerced and sign it off. That's a pretty high bar in my opinion!
The only reason I can see to be against this is because of religion, as long as safeguards are put in place it should be a non issue. Switzerland has been doing it since 1942
Not only religion. Euthanasia is a very controversial thing in all ways. For example, a person with a terminal disease can decide to do it because of despair and in many countries courts will consider such decision illegitimate but the person would already be dead so it's a very complicated situation.