I was arrested and falsely accused of a felony crime. I am facing 2-10 years in prison. Funds raised go towards legal fees, travel costs associated with challenging the case, and lost income in the case of losing my employment due to a pending felony.
Given that this guy has previously been charged with violations of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, you'll have to forgive my skepticism that he was wrongfully arrested. Sounds like a guy who didn't learn his lesson the first time.
If you read what he was charged with, it was releasing 5,740 mink from fur farms causing economic damages above $100,000.
Those mink farms are absolutely horrific. So the "lesson" he didn't learn seems to be extreme animal cruelty is perfectly fine, and standing up against it is not. To me, that sounds like a good lesson to ignore.
AETA is a bullshit law that was designed to slap a terror label on protected speech that was causing corporations to lose money.
Good free documentary about some of the first people prosecuted under AETA below.