Absolute hero the guy in the chair trying to kick the pig.
Don't know how he ended up in that chair but that obviously doesn't stop him from doing what's right. By Grapthars hammer, someone's gotta kick that cop!
Right? Like, if you ignore literally everything up to when he finally grabs the older woman and throws her to his cohorts...
... Why did he kick that like? She was apprehended, your partners had her, she's old, and all she's doing is (I don't speak German) I assume calling you an asshole. He was pissed off and 100% tried to/kicked an old woman he had just manhandled.
Real courageous guy right there, must be so proud of himself while he's grooming that lip-caterpillar.
This is Germany. He doesn't have a badge... also: if the victim files a criminal complaint, she'll get a counter complaint from him and will most likely get prosecuted.