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Looking for my first handheld

Hello, I wan't to get my first handheld for playing retro games.

I'm mostly looking for a handheld that can handle 3rd generation consoles (nes/sega ms), 4th generation consoles ( pc engine/sega genesis/snes ) and handheld's like gb/gbc/gba.

In general no need for 3d consoles like ps/n64/sega saturn ( would be a nice bonus if it could, but I'm mostly only interested in 2d consoles for now ).

Something with looks of a gameboy advanced would be nice in my opinion.

Would like it to be able to be modded with diff rom's/customizable software and ability to be able add my own rom sets.

Price isn't an issue and am looking for the most premium possible experience with 2d consoles (I would most likelly mostly be playing gba games ).