Mr. Trump, whose assets make him a billionaire, has not funded his own campaign since 2016, nor has he reported giving any money to a political action committee affiliated with him, Save America, which has paid legal fees related to his indictments and one criminal trial that resulted in felony convictions.
(Emphasis added) See what the NYT did there? Whatcha trying to say there, NYT? Hm? Could it be that he’s not a billionaire exceptin debt? Now why would they soft-pedal around that I wonder.
That tension has become more acute since Mr. Trump’s campaign has had to adjust some events because of heightened security threats against him. Because of those threats, he’s given up playing golf, his favorite method of relaxation, for the remainder of the campaign.
"You do it to yourself, you do. And that's why it really hurts. Is that you do it to yourself, just you. You and no one else. You do it to yourself." - Radiohead, predicting Trump being unable to golf.
I don’t like the guy either, but I don’t like that situation has devolved to the point that he can no longer step outside due to assassination attempts. That level of political violence should not be normalized. (And yes, we all know who was stoking the flames here, this is mostly his own doing.)
Repubs have radicalized their people into terrorists. It is unfortunate that they chose to do so. But having those terrorists attacking fellow Repubs is the next best thing to not having terrorists. Hopefully they get a clue and stop stoking the fires of racism in their base using insane conspiracies with no grounding in reality.
This is quite possibly the best thing that's come out of this. Trump can't do something that he truly enjoys because being an absolute piece of shit human to people had a consequence. Awesome.
That looks just like every political fundraising text I've ever gotten from anyone. I don't see anything abnormal about it. If it didn't say "Trump" in it, I wouldn't have been able to identify it from any other.
The craziest thing is that if Donnie had any guts at all he'd have demanded $50 billion from the Saudis on Inauguration Day 2017. Instead, he's nickel and diming his supporters
Hey to be fair in May he did ask oil executives for 1 billion dollars directly in exchange for dismantling environmental regulations. Even the oil execs thought it was kind of insanely brazen
Another reason why he staged assassination attempts like the Nazis during the 1932 Bloody Sunday Altona. The Orange Turd lines-up two events, cries and wants the US taxpayers to fund his military flights for campaigning. President Biden gave it a green light, but if the roles were reversed, I guarantee Mango Mussolini would not allow it.