If the USA was so great, why is there USB?
32 0 ReplyThe USA was so amazing that they had to make a sequel, thats why we have USB
20 0 Reply
LMAO its even funnier with the windows usb noises x3
11 0 ReplyI hope you mean the with does 7 noises (o_o)
4 0 Reply
I want to be her
10 0 ReplySame! :3
4 0 Reply
What if we shorted D+ and D-?
Haha just kidding. Unless?
8 0 Replywrong side
6 0 ReplyAs the creator(s of USB) intended.
12 0 Reply
This not only could be usb but it is usb
6 0 ReplyHow very dare you.
4 0 ReplyBut if the ends attempt to meet at their current angle, the blue parts will touch and prevent proper insertion. One or the other will need to change their orientation for this to work.
2 0 ReplyFrom their current Position, the left one looks larger, the right one would probably just entirely be engulfed by the left one.
1 0 Reply
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