The company is doing a promo for their food. They're just a small business, so margins will be extremely tight. They're using the All You Can Eat thing to get people in, try their stuff, and hopefully either come back later or leave a good review somewhere
This selfish cunt ordered more than she could possibly eat in one sitting, then asked to take it home. That's probably about a 20% loss for the aforementioned small business owners
Guy is just trying to get his business noticed in a massively crowded market, and a fucking greedy pig comes in and not only acts in a horribly selfish manner, but then writes an incredibly damaging piece of trash journalism?
If you've ever run your own business, you'd want to slap that bitch into next week
She should either be supporting local businesses as much as she can, or stick to giving her fucking money to massive billionaire conglomerates then complaining when all the restaurants sell cheap shit
When the server appeared, I asked for a box to take home the remaining bits of food on my plate. Mind you, I know most all-you-can-eat restaurants have a strict no-takeout rule, but I figured asking couldn’t hurt. He told me I would be charged an extra $5 for every order I wanted to take home in a box. He explained that the $25 special was already such a great deal, that the extra fee was justified. Moments later, he reappeared at our table and asked if I still wanted a box, but I politely declined.
Up until then, our waiter had been friendly while exuding a quality of cool nonchalance. But my response was not met with compassion. He became dry and proceeded to scold me on the amount of food I ordered, adding that Ko had a big problem with food waste. He pointed toward Mission Street while explaining that many individuals didn’t have enough to eat. I tried to explain but he was far too deep into his lecture to care. After repeating his points, he grabbed the plate of untouched nigiri that no one at my table ordered and stormed off into the kitchen. Little did I know my $25 happy hour meal would end with a guilt trip served ice cold and on the house.
We have rampant homelessness and people living in misery. Cough up the extra money for the food you didn't eat, you selfish fuck. Next time, don't let your eyes be bigger than your stomach. I hate attitudes like this.
The best AYCE sushi place I ever visited was in an out-of-the-way strip mall in Henderson, NV. About 30m away from the Vegas strip. It had very strict rules, listed on the menu, including how many of specific items you could order. No takeaways, and if you left food on your plate, there would be a surcharge. Drinks and dessert were not included either.
Waiters wandered around with wireless iPads and took down orders in batches, which would then be dropped off a few minutes later. It was very efficiently run. Food was very good, and the place was packed every time I went there. It wasn't on any of the visitor guides, which was just as well.
There seems to be a way to do AYCE, make money, and leave everyone happy. The place in this story sounds like it needs to tweak the formula to find the right balance.