OpenAI didn’t merely fill its latest $6.5 billion funding round — it’s oversubscribed! OpenAI is now deciding which investors are gullible cool and handsome enough to be allowed to give them money…
Altman is certainly aware of what it takes to be a Jobs-like marketing personality (and probably holds Hubbard-like totalism as a not-so-secret ambition), he's just not, uh, very good at it. He's put the most effort into the strictly lower-case, faux-casual persona on Twitter to seem "approachable" in a social media context, and that doesn't help him at all when trying to actually appear serious.
I also don't doubt that he's beginning to succumb to the yes-man filter bubble that traps so many public personalities. That's surely made worse by the likelihood that any underlings he might have reviewing this crap are drinking the AI koolaid and "punching everything up!" with a few rounds of ChatGPT.
In [1]: for i in range(1, 5): print(f"{i*1000} days: {i*1000/365} years")
1000 days: 2.73972602739726 years
2000 days: 5.47945205479452 years
3000 days: 8.219178082191782 years
4000 days: 10.95890410958904 years
how many is a "few", 'ole sammy mah boi
and can you definitely find a way to set 6b+/year on fire (with growth for salaries and costs) for that long?
truly, the sfba business model is one of the most remarkable of the last 2 decades
Is this what competing product releases look like now? Illya runs off and promises to "never release any software until it's superintelligent" and I guess that forces Sam to compete for debt by promises to release software AND superintelligence?