oh my god internet landlords are the whiniest fucks
And have you thought about what else I would invest into?
This attitude is so incredibly economical illiterate that it’s shocking we have HN commentators that don’t understand.
Who I am selling to? at what price? Do you support state confiscation of private capital?
Are factories that produce cereal next?
It’s an embarrassment to western education that educated people have such poor understanding of basic economics.
fucking hate when General Mills raises the fee on the cereal in my stomach higher than I can afford, so they call the sheriff and a surgeon to get it out of me
of course these landed fucking gentry don’t get why they’re so broadly hated by almost everyone who’s ever had to rent. they sure as fuck are going to show their ass as a privileged class with this “but what about my investment hmmmmm????” shit, usually directed toward folk who’ll never be able to afford anything resembling an investment thanks to them
oh you can’t take my land though, that’d be s-s-s-socialism! no shit pissboy
so the orange site believes that AI gods, room temperature superconductivity, practical fusion, and mars bases are literally moments away if only we capitalism harder, but public housing that doesn’t suck is an impossibility? the tech industry can go fuck itself