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Karl Marx Job Interview Caption: "Yes, under communism, you won't have to degrade yourself to the rich to beg for a job. You will, however, have to still get along with the other workers, so it will be no paradise."

  • That's like 80% of all my jobs interviews (which were very many), especially including the nepotism part at the end.

    • 90's 00's 10's Poland moment.

      • Yup, i worked in tons of places already but of the best two jobs i had one i got by nepotism too (and then the fucking Sejm of all things liquidated the workplace) and the second one where i didn't give a flying fuck, it was like my 10th interview in a week, i didn't even know what that company do or what i was supposed to do there, but entire interview was in english and the boss was impressed i guess.