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196 barbie's world

In an attempt to get Americans to see why Japan finds Barbenheimer offensive, Japanese twitter has taken to making 9/11 jokes - completely misunderstanding that Americans love 9/11 jokes.




alt text: unlimited [REDACTED] on the first world first emperor of china is seen casting fire on two towers. below image of american soldiers posing with ww2 SS flag. text under first emperor says: our day is coming

text under all of the images say, long live the qinism-lin-biaoism

Azov got a grand welcome in Lviv, NAFO is celebrating hard
  • I don't think fascism and nazis are interchangable 1 to 1, iirc fascism is either a system of government or ideology. while the nazis are a type of fascism. all nazis are fascists but not all fascists are Nazis.

    but i can imagine most people stopped learning about history in highschool, so i imagine that when they hear fascist they think nazi then immediately the nazi's extreme disdain for jewish people, so to have a person who is jewish in the company of nazis is enough cause to wave away concern. In terms on the zionist entity i imagine they wave it away because to have a jewish entity acting in a fascist way is oxymoron from their point of understanding history.

    they kindof used that plot in the hbo series "the plot against america" with the rabbi vouching for a vaguely anti semite dude for president

  • Azov got a grand welcome in Lviv, NAFO is celebrating hard
  • the war in the ukraine is a form of contradiction in capitalism, war is a form of capitalistic competition - right wing extremism grows when there is a low quality of life iirc as people wish to return to a time where everything was perfect and so they need to destroy the out group to get there (the time where everything was perfect doesn't exist).

    so if they can have a wonderful life after the war then yeah sure, you can limit it to anti Semitism. but regardless of who wins the ukraine war, you can imagine that the despair in both nations will be substantial.

  • Russian Pavilion Banned at Canadian Heritage Festival
  • it feels like this strategic amnesia by the institutions that raise us is by design i'm afraid.

  • there is a war going on for your mind

    everybody has bias, even historians. its in the words they use, how often they mention something (or how little), the pictures/video (lighting, filters, etc).

    marxism is a form of critical thinking.

    Russian Pavilion Banned at Canadian Heritage Festival
  • collective punishment it seems

  • Russian Pavilion Banned at Canadian Heritage Festival
  • people have a tendency to forget the murders on fellow americans that were of brown skin after 9/11 or the bullying of school children with brown skin

  • post-ww3 American conversations


    alt text two soldiers in gas masks (full face respirators) rest in a bombed out city, with poisonous air from a nuclear war surrounding them they wear gas masks.

    soldier 1: do you know the meaning of this war?

    soldier 2: hmm?

    soldier 1: i mean... what's the point it can't be for the land because everything is burned, bombed or polluted. it can't be for the money because there is anything left to spend it on. so what is it? religion? why do we fight?

    soldier 2: to win the war.

    soldier 1: meh... works for me.

    re: "war is a racket"

    edit - originally made a year ago during the beginning of the invasion for r/noncredibledefence i can see how this can be misinterpreted, as a result of pedantics, i have added an russian defence corp to clarify the meme

    edit 2 - reuploaded the image since it's was deleted by recent instance woes, didn't save edit 1 so this is the original - i'm not remaking edit 1

    Alt text

    2 girls are fighting, flags are placed on them ukraine and russia respectively, while a group of bystanders in a backdrop watch and record

    a bystander is explicitly amused, and enjoying himself; dabbing a pipe, defense corporation logos are posted him, Raytheon technologies and Lockheed martin

    Karl Marx Job Interview Caption: "Yes, under communism, you won't have to degrade yourself to the rich to beg for a job. You will, however, have to still get along with the other workers, so it will be no paradise."

    letranger letranger
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