I get so many people who react to my baked goods with "Wow, you should sell these!" I bake to unwind from work - what would I do to unwind if baking was my work? I already ruined thrift stores for myself by working at one for my first job - I know not to do it again.
They also forget that there are things not required when it comes to doing things as a hobby; it’s not just doing the hobby more and getting paid.
Like, I do all the work on my own car, help my friends with stuff so they can save money, and enjoy modifications(when I can afford them which is basically never). People say “oh maybe you should have been/should try out being a mechanic. Yea, and now I gotta deal with the 99.9% of drivers who are painfully ignorant about the thing they spent tens of thousands of dollars on, do endless and boring oil and brake changes, and when I have an interesting job I gotta do it quick enough to not destroy my entire reputation or lose money on the quoted time. And then there’s all the paperwork!
No thanks, I’ll stick to my own driveway and taking teaching my friends new skills as payment.
This is one thing that had held me back from building/working with computers for a living. I would be a natural fit for the job, but I don't want to ruin one of the only technical things I enjoy doing in my freetime.
Maybe, but why not do one hobby for work then have other hobbies that you do for fun? I would much rather grow to kind of hate pottery at my pottery business and still play an instrument and bake pastries in my free time than despair in an IT job and bake pastries and do pottery in my free time and figure that instrument dream will just never happen.