They have not, they just print what you provide. Long ago they had a store, where customers could sell their designs, and these designs were never explicitly wrong but some were… challenging. But as said, nowadays you can only have your design printed, and it’s up to you what it is and what you will do with it.
Sticker Mule is - was - one of the better sticker printers, be it for laptops, packages etc. That includes hologram and glitter stickers, and I will say that the quality was always excellent. They also have great deals.
And as you will know by now, one of their founders/bosses decided to go full Drumpf.
In public.
Per the company account.
On X.
I am sad to say, I have to find another place to get stickers and stuff, Redbubble is nice but no glitter :(
He did say 'many' not 'all' and that he, personally supported him, so no lie then showed that he supports him with the selfie. The reactions show why his third sentence was said (the one where he states that he and others were afraid to admit their support). It is very possible that I don't understand where the lie is, though. I'm very tired. I've always found politics in that country strange, so I think I may be missing something. Without getting into why someone should or shouldn't support one or the other, can someone explain where the lie is?