If seeing someone 4 days consecutively is seeing them 4 days in a row, does that mean seeing someone every Monday of a month is seeing them 4 days in a column?
I don't think I'm ready for that. In fact, I think I'm just going back to individual delimited text files to store every record separately using a custom encoding I made up.
I'll add arbitrary folders to split them up based on inconsistent logic and never make backups.
Did you know you can also store your data on random pieces of paper of various sizes and shapes, and pile them on the kitchen table? You also get bonus points, if you write/draw the data using colorful crayons! I call it the CLUTTER format which stands for: Chaotic Loosely Unstructured Tangled Tornado Explosion Records. It’s a new data storage method, and I’m pretty sure it will catch on.