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Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • How to speed run your entire user base into hating you.

  • Scientists Propose New Way to Find Aliens: Detect Their Failing Warp Drives
  • Don’t you dare disrespect Hologram Janeway! /s

    But please don’t.

    EDIT: Just to be clear my tone is the sarcasm.

  • Corporate Media Blackout as Jeremy Corbyn Drops Bombshell About Israel
  • It’s as if one major atrocity against a whole religious group gives the world free rein to ignore their actions. Just because a group is targeted for genocide does not mean they themself cannot do anything morally wrong.

  • Scientists Propose New Way to Find Aliens: Detect Their Failing Warp Drives
  • Okay, but what did a HOLOGRAM have this knowledge?

  • Scientists Propose New Way to Find Aliens: Detect Their Failing Warp Drives
  • As long as we can still go to The Restaurant the End of the Universe, I’m cool with that.

  • Scientists Propose New Way to Find Aliens: Detect Their Failing Warp Drives
  • Then why did a hologram of Janeway tell a bunch of kids she once was a salamander?

  • Scientists Propose New Way to Find Aliens: Detect Their Failing Warp Drives
  • Sure, sure, you think looking for an intermix chamber of antimatter and matter that is not 1:1 is easy. What happens if they are simply leaking plasma from their nacelles? Or what if the ship is trying to steal your tech by luring an engineer onboard to repair “damaged” systems?

    Or what if their warp drive uses an artificial singularity?

  • The Ten Commandments must be displayed in Louisiana classrooms under requirement signed into law
  • Hmm… doesn’t specifically basing any laws on a universally recognized organized religion by definition a violation of Church and State? Doesn’t explicitly stating a religious totem qualify as favoring one religion over others? Doesn’t this also violate the Lemon Test since it in no way can be seen as secular in nature to put religious text in any form inside a classroom that is funded by the state? Seems they wrote themselves the reason to strike down the law into the law itself.

  • Majority of Americans Favor Federal Action to Relieve Medical Debt: Poll
  • I see military bros wear shirts that incorrectly quote Ronald Regan, “Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction.” That’s from a speech on socialized medicine (arguing against it). I doubt they understand that.

    Wonder if I can count on them to stand up and project my right to go bankrupt for my health? What do you mean you don’t know who Regan is? 😱 /s

  • 2nd-largest school district, Los Angeles Unified School District, votes to ban cellphone and social media for students starting in 2025
  • When I was in middle school I remember the campus security (I don’t think we called them “security”) had some sort of lecture on the dangers of social media (this was circa 2004). I don’t recall details but they basically said the person in charge of security was supposedly lurking on MySpace to see what we were doing. Pretty lame and did nothing for seemingly nothing reasons.

  • World First: California to welcome cannabis for sale and consumption at State Fair
  • I’d like to hear an explanation on “craft” beer. The term is largely misunderstood by the lay person. The Brewers Association classifies craft as small (6 million barrels or less a year), independent (25% or less of the brewery is owned or controlled by a beverage alcohol industry member which is not itself a craft brewer) and most importantly, a brewer (has a “Brewer’s Notice issued by the Alcohol & Tobacco Tax & Trade Bureau, or its successor, or control the intellectual property for one or more brands of beer, have that brand or brands brewed for it in the United States, and have as its primary business purpose the resale of the brand or brands it controls”).

    What exactly from craft beer is being showcased for agriculture? Is the state growing some particularly notable ingredients?

  • Maryland Gov. Wes Moore pardons 175,000 marijuana convictions: "This is a really big deal"
  • It would be a bigger deal to stop using a racial term for cannabis that was meant to be offensive to Mexicans.

  • Megachurch pastor and former Trump spiritual adviser admits sexual abuse
  • At this point it feels like a history of sexual abuse is REQUIRED to be involved in the Conservative parts of “Christiandom”.

  • I don't think we should be rooting for the Bell Riots but the pin is funny
  • I have a bumper sticker from the same artist.

  • Finally someone agrees with me on The Shining

    Jessica Huang from Fresh off the Boat TV series, said this in response to Honey quoting the movie. I totally feel the same way.

    First Stiiizy vape

    Got a Blue Dream pod. This was much stronger than I expected.

    Me at age six, at Star Trek: The Experience

    Here is me at Star Trek: The Experience in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Hilton. This was 1997 (spring or summer). I got to go on The Klingon Encounter (which may have been the only ride-type attraction at the time). The line to enter was lined with status of Borg (First Contact had just come out the previous November).

    This is a memory that I hold dear. It made a huge impact on me. Getting to see a recreation of the Enterprise-D bridge, go on a turbolift, use a transporter (just a rotating wall and lights) and the shuttlecraft (think Star Tours) was so awesome. My mom remembers when we were on the transporter pad, having her hand on my chest and feeling my heart rate increase.

    The whole attraction was a mix of video featuring TNG cast and live actors.

    Got a “All Good Things…” tattoo for my birthday.

    My birthday was last week (May 17). Decided to get my first tattoo, which I wanted to be Trek related. As a kid my family had a VHS tape with a recording of “All Good Things…” (and for unknown reasons, “Caretaker”). So I have seen the episode a dozen times. It is my favorite episode of the franchise. The image I’m sharing shows the tattoo only three days old.

    hopesdead hopesdead
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