Paul Verhoeven did a beautiful job of critiquing fascism. I can't help it that my fellow citizens are stupid other than to vote for more money in education.
To be fair, though, I did really like Jojo Rabbit, and I don't think that one's been latched onto by them in nearly the same way. Could be wrong, though.
The thing that's really difficult for them is that Jojo Rabbit never makes them look cool. Hitler throws a tantrum because a little boy doesn't like him, then he gets kicked in the balls.
I think it may not have conveyed what it was trying to do when it was in theaters, but my friends and I (millennials so we saw it as kids) watch it as a ridiculous satire. One of my favourite movies I think. Sadly, I love Hackers, but that is not a satire, they were trying real hard.