Agreed - Tarkin is a leader of the Galactic Empire, an extremely fascist regime modeled off Nazi Germany that also practices xenophobia.
He is absolutely authoritarian right, not authoritarian left.
Not sure a good choice for authoritarian left? Maybe Natasi Daala in the EU when she rules the GFFA and decides enough of a weird religious order being above the law (the NJO, of course)?
the Galactic Empire, an extremely fascist regime modeled off Nazi Germany
Tough to argue the that the visuals aren't there in the uniforms or other aesthetics, but apparently George also had other empires in mind in the original series. Nothing that would put Tarkin in auth left though.
If ever they make A sequel trilogy they should make the empire split up Into many different factions and The Jedi and First Order remnants of the empire are just two factions in a GoT game vying for power.
Law and order is pretty much textbook authoritarian. No left/right bias in that. But he is very much not for redistrbution of wealth nor any empowerment of the workers.
Tarkin is auth-right. Almost textbook. Would move Vader to more center-right as he often ignores or works against (some) chain of command.