I've seen this image pop up now and then for like 10+ years as a meme in the Linux community and never not once did I think this.
Obviously if that's a confirmed intention behind it, then it's not okay, but I think you're overthinking it, it's just how anime designs are, the characters often look agelessly young.
These look like pretty average anime characters to me and don't strike me as implying something problematic in the slightest.
Idk I'm an outside observer to weeb shit, but that's how I always interpreted it at least.
Personally I think it is too blocky and the colors too random, but I don't know the original comment that gave the inspiration. I like much more, although I'd rather see the rainbow colors follow the direction of the swirl more.
I'll fix it up in a bit, but I made it on my phone because I was in the process of re-installing Debian on my potato laptop, and it felt like blasphemy to make it on my gaming laptop (which is currently Windows only until I get another SSD for it), lol.