surveyed to measure vote choice in the upcoming Presidential election amongst Arab American voters, and our allies.
What does "our allies" mean in this context? Who did they actually survey, a representative group of Arab Americans or just members and supporters of their particular organization? Because it sure sounds like the latter.
I would think "our allies" would mostly be Muslim Americans. The two groups are separate but have some overlap and both vote similarly on Middle East and North Africa issues.
"ADC was founded by former U.S. Senator James Abourezk in 1980. Today, ADC is the largest Arab American grassroots organization in the U.S." Per their own about page, I think their numbers should be taken seriously.
Taken seriously, yes, but I think it's problematic painting this as the opinion of Arab Americans in general. Taking a look at their press releases, it's immediately clear that they're vocally against Joe Biden. Granted, that's probably a majority opinion among Arab-Americans for understandable reasons, but most Arab Americans who do support him, or Trump for that matter, will not be signed up with them. So I think this survey has an inherent bias and very likely paints a distorted picture.
Cool cool cool so 93% of Arab America voters are as thick as a brick. Hey folks, you know what happens when you vote third party when only two parties have any shot at winning? The guy you want to win the LEAST becomes more likely to win. You do realize trump wants to ban Muslims from the country, and put the rest in camps right? Yes that does include you, you aren't "one of the good ones"