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19.4 upgrade

Hello, I'm hoping to take the instance to 19.4 in the near future.
Before doing this, I need to take pictrs up a few versions.
This will take a while, so while 19.4 is in the works, it won't happen for a week or so.

Major changes in 19.4 (It's a big-un, and should bring a fair few useful improvements):

If there are any things in this list you're curious about whether we'll be implementing, ask away.

Cheers, GA.

  • What do we think about the local communities feature? My first reaction was great, but then I worry that popular communities might get hidden, ruining the point of federation.

    I feel like they might be ok if a local community can only be set up by admins.

    It would be good if a community was read only for anyone from a different instance but local users can write to it.

    • I can see times where it might be useful (for example, getting the community to voice their opinion about our interaction with the wider fediverse).

      I'd consider making The Back End a private community, though on the other side it might one day be useful to someone (if they were finding out how not to do upgrades lol)

  • Any update on when this is due? I've encountered some federation problems with servers that are on 0.19.4, so keen on seeing this!

    • I wasn't aware there were big issues, thanks for letting me know.

      The pictrs upgrade was expected to take a lot longer, so the plan was to put 19.4.1 on when released.
      However, if there are issues at the moment, we can jump a little sooner. I just fancied avoiding some of the 19.4 bugs!

      Friday, possibly? I don't like to do upgrades unless I can clear several hours in case of shit hitting fan midway through!

      • I didn't twig it might be upgrade related. I tried to mod an account on 0.19.4 and it didn't federate back, and I've changed descriptions on communities on 0.19.4 and they aren't federating back either (two different instances). Seems OK with 0.19.3 so I'm making a bit of an assumption that it's the version mismatch, but I know Lemmy has had issues with federation across versions before. I can't even force it to fetch a post on which didn't federate. ( if you want to try - I search for it and it doesn't do anything, whereas that would normally pull it down). I checked the blocked instances on all the servers and nothing relevant is defederated as far as I can tell.