It already doesn't have PC crossplay, why not just disable console crossplay, or use the same input based matchmaking other games use, with gyro as an added input? Disabling a superior input is incredibly stupid and will lower the skill ceiling of the game, which is already going to be lower than on PC.
It's superior if you have the option to adjust the sensitivity. In most games that don't have a sensitivity setting, it's way too sensitive, so unless you can hold your hands perfectly still your aim is gonna be fucked.
And since most games don't have any sensitivity settings for the gyro, I rarely use it.
If strong aim assist is present then that can outperform gyro, but that also can outperform a lot of mouse users to the point that even PC lobbies have mouse users abandoning mouse for aim assist supported inputs. So it depends on the level of aim assist. But, with aim assist removed from the equation gyro is better than joysticks and is surprisingly usable against mouse players despite the absence of auto aiming.
its good on controller but I mainly game on steam deck and I hate it on steam deck. too heavy and hard to get the sweet spot of avoiding accidental input and not having too high or too low sensitivity. I need a steam controller 2.
but yeah you can do stuff like fast/coarse move with stick and slow/precision with gyro and do compound movement of both at the same time, for example tilting against the stick if you overshoot or with the stick if the aim comes short, or adding up or down hairline adjustment on gyro while doing just right or left on the stick. weird at first but I can do it better than mouse aim on controllers with good implementaion.
Competitive FPS games on consoles. Like, what more can be said? Everything after that will be questionable. Whatever they do will be wrong and right, simultaneously.
I can't believe Xbox doesn't have gyros at this point. Even Nintendo has gyros in their controllers. I haven't had an Xbox since the 360, so this is actually a surprise to me.
With Gyroscope aiming you use the stick for large, broad movements, but for small adjustments you move the controller itself. It's new as of about 2016ish.