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An Extended Look at Armored Core 6

VaatiVidya Armored Core 6 updates!

  • Game looks cool, but I can't stand this guy. He's speaking as if this is some third eye opening transcendental art piece. The... pausing between... words as if you should focus... on them because they're important and special... is really annoying... because it's just... a video game. It's like he's trying to show us some deep wisdom from a gameplay trailer.

  • I didn't play 4 or 5 and so watching this all I can think is these mechs are moving really fast. I remember them feeling a bit more rigid and heavy.

    • I had the same response initially, but I'm thinking it's because of how big the maps are. It seems like mobility, especially aerial mobility, is going to be a big deal in this game, so having the ACs move faster / have more boost time is going to be important to keep things moving, I bet

  • This is shaping up so well by the looks of it. The pace of play looks exactly what I would want out of a modern mech game. Very excited about this one. From Software does not miss.

    • It looks like it's get enough From design philosophy from the last decade that it will feel familiar to people that haven't played any Armored Cores, whilst hopefully still feeling like AC. I've only played Gen 1 and 2 myself, but seen a fair bit of footage from Gen's 4 & 5. It looks like it's sitting somewhere nicely between the early ACs and the later in terms of combat pace, feeling fast, but still deliberate, if that makes sense.
      The fact that there's not only hints of the Souls-likes, but also Sekiro has me very excited.
      I hope it doesn't stray too much from the classic AC formula that it no longer appeals to long time series veterans but I'm personally really, really, pumped for this one.