Always liked this because it helps people see to some extent where money is going.
I know the UK and Portugal do this as well. It was especially interesting in the UK during the Brexit years because you could see a tiny piece of that pie chart with EU contributions, almost saying "this is how little of our money is going to Europe", didn't do any good in the end but hey, still great info to have that all detailed
I strongly believe that this should be the standard everywhere. Unfortunately most governments won't tell you this, because a few of them are busy building golden temples for their authoritarian leaders, and blowing half of it on cocaine while pretending it's the immigrants' faults
One thing to note about this breakdown is that it wasn't legislated with good intention but it was implemented in a very malicious compliance way that completely counteracted the original intention.
This receipt was legislated by the conservative party in Australia under Tony Abbott, the surface level intention was to "show where people's tax dollars are spent". However the underlying intention was to show welfare spending as a huge category that totally eclipsed all other spending in order to demonize welfare, particularly unemployment welfare. In order to build public support for rolling back that spending.
However when the letter was implemented, the welfare category was further broken down as you see here, completely working against the narrative that the government at the time was trying to spin (that unemployment welfare particularly was a huge drain on society).
I think something like this would make U.S. citizens feel better about taxes in general, since it can sometimes feel like you're throwing a large portion of your hard-earned money away.
Fun fact: in the United States you can request this same sort of receipt. It's slightly different, but all you have to do is request it, and they can show you exactly how many brown people they shot, or godless communists they've brought democracy to with your taxes!
Health wouldn't be on there at all because fuck em
Defense would be spelled correctly and be so large that it would need to be on its own section, because the chart scale would distort things so badly that everything else would look like a sliver above zero
Education would be smaller than your immigration
Welfare, depending on the administration, would likely be some derogatory categorization for each group just to piss off their base
"other" would be the best biggest thing after Defense and provide no details, because it would be corporate subsidies and that would look bad
You can request this in most countries, especially here in Canada. It's cool that the Aussie government makes it more transparent and accessible though. The "other purposes" seems a bit sussy-baka, though.
I think this is a pretty good idea, actually. While this kind of information is available in most western places, people usually can't be bothered to look it up and then have very weird ideas about what their taxes are probably spent on. This would at least help clear some things up.
Mannnn... I wish we had this in the U.S.
Unfortunately it would ruin a lot of the propaganda forced down our throats, disabling some talking points for our dumbass politicians.
Tories in the UK did this and obfuscated to their agenda
They showed "pensions" but that was only public sector worker pensions then added the universal state pension to the "benefits" section to claim we had a bloated benefits budget for scroungers despite them being the party of triple lock pension (linked to greater of wages, inflation and aribitary 2%)
Is this hard to do in practice? I would love to see a breakdown like this in the United States, and especially on a local level. What’s involved in getting this information? Where does someone even start to request something like this?
Problem is in the US since so much of that is put into private sector hands we'd need to gather data on those costs outside of the taxes to put together a proper picture.
That's the only good thing i guess. I heard that the law is against ppl and they can treat humans like cattle as long as its for your safety (lets set covid as an example). What a shitty place to live.