For me it was the original Subnautica. Was a free give away before it got popular and I had no expectations when I played it. Really enjoyed the exploration and the pacing.
Second was Axiom Verge - I got it for free before it became popular but I don't remember how. I bought it when it went to Steam because I wanted to support the creator.
Both are fun exploration sorts of games if you haven't played them. Axiom Verge is a metroidvania. Kinda a weird game, but in a good way.
It's not really worthy of Patient Gamers because I bought it shortly after launch (in an actual box at Best Buy), but the Orange Box was one of the most absurdly good deals I've ever seen. I can't even calculate how many hours I've gotten out of it because it ended up on an old Steam account, but TF2 alone is easily my most played game ever.
I bought this for the 360 and it blew my mind at the time. I had never played a Half Life game before, and that coupled with TF2 led me down the path to PC building for the superior gaming platform. I owe a lot to The Orange Box!
I think I got Terraria for like a buck (can’t remember where) and while it isn‘t my favorite game ever, my gf loved it to death and I got dozens of hours out of it (my gf hundreds). It‘s undeniably a great game and the dev is a maniac in terms of long term support.
I bought a big box copy of Quake 2 on eBay many years ago, and was surprised to open it and find not only Q2 inside the box but also a full retail CD of the original Quake. I'd never played the non-shareware version before, so I got two great games that day!
Decades ago I bought a sealed copy of Dragon Warrior off a guy for $30. While exchanging info he said he’d throw in a sealed copy of Dragon Warrior 2 for $20 more. I wasn’t really a collector (I wanted to play them) so I said sure what the hell, nice boxes and inserts are always cool. I never got around to playing them so they sat in a plastic shell.
They’re perfect, they’re unopened, and I still got em.
I bought Factorio and Minecraft in Beta/Alpha, and still use the same keys to this day. So something like 15 years of entertainment.
Those definitely weren't patient gaming buys, but they were good buys.
That said, I'm not a patient gamer because of cost, I'm patient because I don't have much time and don't want to waste it on buggy games. So I wait until bugs to be ironed out and the content to be complete before I buy.
I bought Minecraft a month before Beta came out and man what a deal that was. Only something like $10. I got thousands of hours out of that over the following 5ish years. I don't play it as often any more, but I still think it was worth it
Yup, I don't play anymore, but my kids do. I ended up buying a second license so my two boys could play at the same time with MS accounts, but that original licence has gotten a ton of use.
I don't know if this counts, but it was a trade. I won Tenchu z for the Xbox 360 and I didn't have one (yet), so I traded with some random guy for the following GameCube titles:
Years ago, probably.. 2006 or 2007, Microsoft had some kind of deal online where you could get Age of Empires 3 for 99 cents, it wasn't that old at the time. Bought it on my hotmail back in the day, but lost that when Microsoft decided they desperately needed to wipe e-mails for people.
A customer left a seller review on G2A stating that their provided key didn't work. They posted the key in the review and I claimed it on steam without any issue.
They publicly posted a key that "didnt work". How is that stealing? It would be like me leaving a piece of equipment in my front yard with a sign that says "free, doesn't work" but a mechanic picks it up and fixes it in a matter of minutes.
I got Copy of Maniac Mansion for NES for free at a second hand games store . According to the store owner the game didn't work and asked me if I wanted it because the box still looks good in a shelf anyway. I put it in my NES and it worked without issues. This was around 10-12 years ago.
I'm not sure if it was the first time they ever did a free weekend for a game or not, but I played Day of Defeat: source and it never left my library. I think I lost that steam account at some point though.
First one that comes to mind was getting a used PS3 for $75 in late 2017.
I'd become a big Persona fan after liking P3 and with P4 becoming an all-time favorite soon after, but I'm mostly a PC gamer. I don't always pick up current-gen consoles. Eventually I got sick of hearing the heaps of praise for P5 that I figured I'd take the risk on a used PS3 (getting a PS4 was way out of my budget). That's not why it ended up being a great deal, though.
Now that I had a PS3, I figured I'd try all the games I'd been missing out on that didn't have PC ports. I had a remarkably high hit rate with these: Demon's Souls, Dragon Quest Builders, Journey, The Last of Us, NieR, and of course Persona 5 itself. Ended up playing through (almost) all of FromSoft's following games and NieR: Automata because of this pickup. Still never got that PS4, though, so I'm still waiting on Bloodborne and TLOU2.
Back in the day when game bundles werent a super common thing, Humble Bundle was the absolute GOAT when it came to acquiring a massive amount of titles for cheap as dirt. The best part too was you could choose how much of your donation went to different places. I realize its like that now as well but theyre a mere shadow of what they once were. There were so many times I would see 1 or 2 titles I wanted, pick up an entire bundle, then later find 1 or 2 indie diamonds in the pack I wasnt expecting.
Best full-price video game deal in history, in my opinion, was NFL 2K5 selling for $19.99 at launch. I still consider it the best football game ever and I miss it dearly.
It was such a good deal that EA shit themselves, bought the exclusive NFL license, and ruined football gaming for future generations.