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Is the bot/troll situation getting worse?

It feels like the amount of both, divisive posts and ghoulish comments is rising again.

One could argue that the world has a lot of divisive stuff going on and lemmy just talks about it. But the way people post about stuff seems more oot and hateful than it has been in the past.

Not saying it is that but if I wanted to bring the Fediverse down or at least keep my customers from going there, I would sow this stuff as much as I can.

I'm blocking ghouls left right and center atm but if I ever asked a friend to join lemmy, I'd hate to think of what they would see that I dont anymore.

Do we need stronger moderation?

  • Maybe ban politics from c/memes?
  • Become a little more stringent on "dont be a jerk" rules in communities?

One thing that really bothers me is the collapsing "discourse". Trying to mend fences and keep the conversation between sides going ime leads to nothing but downvotes and shitstorm.

I feel like a little more interaction (instead of intervention, at first) of the moderators would do wonders there.

Thanks for reading this rant. Have a nice day.


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  • Politics is banned from c/

    And speaking as a mod, report things. The vast majority of things I've dealt with as a mod were ones I saw myself or things friends sent on discord. People need to utilize the report function more often if they want moderation on things. We're not psychic.

    As for being more stringent on the not being a dick rule, no. There's a base level of civility we expect but if we start getting super stringent on what constitutes being a dick, that's imposing moderator will on community and its what most of us left reddit to get away from.

    Lastly, it's the Internet. Assholes exist everywhere. You are not going to escape it, ever, if you're using public servers. It's pretty much required to accept that fact just to use the Internet. Moderators do not exist to prune and preen social media to make it more comfortable for people. We remind people to follow the rules and act upon those who do not. If you're not breaking the rules then we're not going to "interact" because we have our own lives and our own posts we are interested in.

    • imposing moderator will on community

      Rich, coming from the mod that banned me because I called him out on a shitty joke.

      • I don't remember you but the modlog says you were banned for homophobic comments. So I'm gonna go ahead and say that nah, you weren't banned for calling someone out on a joke 👍

        • You posted a misogynistic meme, I said "i thought we left that in 2023," and apparently you didn't like that so you called me a bigot and banned me. None of what I said was homophobic or bigoted. I just didn't like your meme because it seemed like the millionth time one of us has made an "ew women" joke and it's tired and shitty to women. So you said I'm homophobic and banned me then told me to fuck off basically.👎 Which cut me off from participating in the largest LGBTQ+ safe space on Lemmy. So yeah.

          • .....riiiiiight. Or, and this is way more likely, you were banned for saying homophobic shit. Which is why it says banned for homophobic content. I'm going to go with the modlog reason 👍 I've yet to see someone on Lemmy who had something like "homophobic comments" added to their modlog ban be for no reason whatsoever.

            You were cut out of that safe space because you inherently made it less safe. Of course you're not allowed in if you're going to go ahead and make it worse for everyone else. What insane arrogance.

            I'm going to go ahead and go back to forgetting you exist now.

            Edit: oh wait no I do remember you. You kept insisting the meme was misogynistic and then started making generalizations. The meme in question? A dude gagging with the text "When the gay porn shows an ad of a woman masturbating". Yeah. Not even remotely misogynistic, which other people pointed out to you and why you were downvoted. You then doubled down and made homophobic generalizations. That's why you were banned. Because you were actively stirring shit and making a safe place inherently less safe by slinging generalizations at the entire community.

            Wouldn't have remembered if you didn't double down on that misogyny accusation.

            • I mean, I have screenshots, but k. Funny how I'm now at least the 3rd person to take issue with you and your temper tantrum mod style.

              And please, show me the comments where I made "homophobic generalizations" and "doubled down. I made literally ONE comment. Was it snarky? Yes, but it was in no way what you're characterizing it as. It's also funny how none of that appears in the modlog.

              I’m going to go with the modlog reason

              That you chose to purposely mischaracterize what I said.

              And finally, feel free to check my history, I think you'll find it pretty damn spotless, which is a hell of a lot more than I can say for you.

              • lol they banned me for misinformation for calling theirs out. Deleted all the comments to control the dialogue as well.

                Said I had proof during another exchange (they started) but the comments are deleted, admin came (yay I kinda thought) said the logs are public. Asked the mod (stamets) to show the deleted comments and the admin to show the log, or atleast how to access it, and banned again.

                This place is worse than Reddit for this shit right now, you have an admin lying and hiding stuff for a mod, one they put as moderator for a bunch of communities. Thats not fishy or anything…..

                I would love to see this “public mod log” because their doesn’t seem to be a way to see (ALL) deleted comments on the current one.

                I fully expect another ban for this, for no other reason than Stamets is a thin skinned mod who doesn’t have the emotional capability to mod, and antagonizes Lemmy users and uses their mod powers (abuse) to hide it. Its a fucking shame really, admins are letting it happen too, excusing it in a lot of cases.

                • I've said my peace, unfortunately not much more I can do. I'll let him go Lord over his little fiefdoms as he wishes. The whole experience has totally turned me off of Lemmy TBH; I've literally never had this kind of issue with a mod here or on Reddit.

      • Stamets is the worst kind of power user. Spams garbage everywhere, argues with everyone. Fragile as glass.

        • Ok honestly thank you for that. I kind of gathered that from his pretty much only shitposting and attitude in his comments. Idk why but being banned because of him really bugged me.

          • Yeah you're not crazy. He is provocative and cries transphobia when called out for it. Then deletes the comments that make him look bad.

    • Thanks for elaborating. I didnt know the report button is not used often. Good advice. Will do just that.

      As for moderation:

      I‘m a mod myself (both here and on reddit) and I don‘t necessarily agree that its imposing to ask people for civility if a discussion gets heated and kneejerk reactions start popping up. But I‘m thankful for every mod that does the good work and even more so for you openly commenting about it. You’re doing important work.

      Then there is „the internet“ which I think is like the world. If we were in a postapocalyptic hellscape, we‘d have no rules, no communities. Only fight to survive. But we aren’t and we do have communities and rules. Therefore, I‘d say we‘re still responsible for the stuff that happens in our tavern (for lack of a better analogy). Are we to keep the guy in the corner from saying things we dont like? No we shouldn’t, but we definitely should keep him from starting a bar fight.

      This is just my opinion. Feel free to debate me on it. :)

      • I'd love to debate you on it, but you're not giving me much to work with.

        Generally, a mod willing to debate me is a mod I want around

        • Trying my hardest not to make others regret opening the app. Both for my answer and stuff that I could have moderated.

    • that’s imposing moderator will on community and its what most of us left reddit to get away from.

      Now I'm curious how common this is, because it's not at all why I left. I left to get away from Reddit the company. If anything I think Reddit subs tend to be moderated too leniently (which is good for Reddit, because hate is engagement)

    • Are there any app notifications or email options to let yo know about reports? I modestly mod a couple subs and I have never found a way to reliably get report notifications unless I log in through a browser based front end.