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Shit Reactionaries Say SpaceDogs

Russian Pavilion Banned at Canadian Heritage Festival

Here’s the original article if you’re interested in reading it.

Here are some comments on Twitter about this situation:

This rhetoric seems very familiar and other folks in the replies are pointing out how these people would’ve supported the Japanese internment camps.

This is explicit discrimination and xenophobia, literally mimicking what Trump spouted about Mexican immigrants/refugees.

How are people just okay with this shit? How is it at this point people have still not realized that history is repeating itself? Does this not ring any bells?

I’ve come to the conclusion that some people are just lost causes and it’s going to take something incredibly drastic happening to wake them up. Even then, would that be enough?


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  • How are people okay with this? Because western liberals are, deep down, incredibly racist. They love this war as it gave them an acceptable outlet for their fascistic tendencies. I guarantee you if it were a black country they'd all be dropping tactical N-words and painting it as progressive.

    • people have a tendency to forget the murders on fellow americans that were of brown skin after 9/11 or the bullying of school children with brown skin

      • It's really depressing having a historical memory that goes back a few decades. I remember that shit first hand and it still sickens me. For most people it really seems 'history began yesterday'.

        • it feels like this strategic amnesia by the institutions that raise us is by design i'm afraid.

          • For sure it's just weird to me that even when I was a lib, I still remembered stuff longer than the news cycle. I sometimes wonder if that's a part of the reason I was able to become a communist at all - being unable to forget the continuously mounting atrocities and crimes of empire.