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Russian Pavilion Banned at Canadian Heritage Festival
  • For sure it's just weird to me that even when I was a lib, I still remembered stuff longer than the news cycle. I sometimes wonder if that's a part of the reason I was able to become a communist at all - being unable to forget the continuously mounting atrocities and crimes of empire.

  • Russian Pavilion Banned at Canadian Heritage Festival
  • It's really depressing having a historical memory that goes back a few decades. I remember that shit first hand and it still sickens me. For most people it really seems 'history began yesterday'.

  • Russian Pavilion Banned at Canadian Heritage Festival
  • How are people okay with this? Because western liberals are, deep down, incredibly racist. They love this war as it gave them an acceptable outlet for their fascistic tendencies. I guarantee you if it were a black country they'd all be dropping tactical N-words and painting it as progressive.

  • Azov got a grand welcome in Lviv, NAFO is celebrating hard
  • In a just world every NAFoid would be sent to the front to be slaughtered en-masse charging through minefields.

  • My recent post triggered an ukranazi lurking on to write a hilarious blog post
  • "Keep Thinking" - in this ukronazi's case, "start thinking" might be useful advice, as he's clearly not right now.

  • Saw a post about an influx of anarchists to lemmygrad and this popped into my head.
  • Indeed, the strains that want something slightly more realistic (like worker co-ops) are a lot easier to speak to. As you say they tend to lack a practical means of implementing their desired society, or if they have ideas, they seem to just 'reinvent' MLism with different terminology (cue the Engels quote).

  • Saw a post about an influx of anarchists to lemmygrad and this popped into my head.
  • In Marxist terms, the state is a tool of class oppression, it is the machinery by which one class imposes its will on all others. Under capitalism (or rather, under a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie (DotB), like e.g. the US, UK, France, Brazil, etc.) it is the bourgeois class who controls the state and uses it to oppress the proletariat (and any remnants of prior classes like the peasantry). In a dictatorship of the proletariat (DotP), that structure is inverted and the proletariat uses the state to oppress the bourgeoisie (and any remnants of say, aristocracy or whatever).

    The idea is that in a DotP, the bourgeoisie will eventually become proletarianized and, after a long enough period when there are no more bourgeoisie, there will be no more proletariat (as classes are defined in terms of the conflict between them). Without a class system, there will be no longer any reason for the state - as that tool of class oppression to exist. All that will be left in terms of governance, will be the administration of things. You still need to manage healthcare, housing, transport, etc.

  • Saw a post about an influx of anarchists to lemmygrad and this popped into my head.
  • Oh certainly, it's just that anarchism can contain both of those things, with MLism, we know where we stand in terms of the end goal. And we also understand that it will not be within any of our lifetimes.

  • Saw a post about an influx of anarchists to lemmygrad and this popped into my head.
  • I'm not even sure we have the same intended long-term goal as them tbh. At least, a lot I've come across really seem to think 'stateless' means no government, no large scale infrastructure, the old 'someone will make insulin as a hobby' meme.

  • Congratulations Lemmycraft! We're finally popular enough to be targetted with griefing!
  • A lesson never to trust someone that supports a one party state that banned all opposition parties, all independent media, that abducts men off the street to feed to their meatgrinder (disproportionately from ethnic minority regions), that has an OG Nazi collaborator for a national icon, that spent 8 years trying to genocide civilians for daring to speak the 'wrong' language. A state that has multiple neo-nazi paramilitaries (not just Azov, though they are the most famous and 'lauded' by western liberals showing their true fascist tendencies), where even amongst regular soldiers it's shockingly impossible to find any not wearing some Nazi patch or other. Someone who 'supports' that, or plays it down is not someone to be reasoned with, just tell them to post hog and move on.

  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - Plan and build your own glorious communist state.
  • Is this game actually based? Or is it gonna pull a fast one 20 hours in?

  • I can't believe a video game made me trans
  • It's funny, I got NV on launch back in 2010 and while I already knew I was trans, it wasn't until then that I started seeing a psych about it 🤔 and realized it was true. Weird in retrospect since the memes about it being the trans game didn't really exist back then.

  • Gentleman, New Hakim video just dropped.
  • Also good, I just liked the rhyming of gals and n(on-binary)-pals, it's satisfying in the ear.

  • Gentleman, New Hakim video just dropped.
  • For plus? Or for pan?

  • Gentleman, New Hakim video just dropped.
  • Ah! Ok that didn't even occur to me cause of the original context of a trans leftist using it to include non-binary viewers of her vids. But I can see the potential for confusion.

  • Gentleman, New Hakim video just dropped.
  • False alarm? A youtuber I watch uses that as an intro to her videos, it's just to cover enbies.

  • Gentleman, New Hakim video just dropped.
  • Guys, gals and N-pals works. Or how bout we come up with a gender neutral way to refer to each other. Something like... comrades?


  • DAGOTHWAVE (repost)
  • Dagoth Ur having his own game would certainly be a grand and intoxicating experience. I just hope we wouldn't have to try and kill a god (how can you kill a god?)

  • What/Who is the most obscure music(ian) you enjoy?
  • Nice, I figured of all the stuff I listed they were near the top in terms of getting recognised. :)

  • RedSquid RedSquid
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