We had those. They were called company towns, and you didn't get paid in real money; you got paid in company scrip that only worked in the company store. Anyone who voluntarily gets on board with this clearly needs to read a history book; that part of our history isn't even 100 years old yet.
That's literally state history for me, and we actually learned all about it in WV History class in 7th grade. That was decades ago, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if it's no longer taught.
The frustrating and mind boggling part is that the miners here today are now hard-right and voting in people who want to roll back conditions to what past miners fought so hard against. Like, WTF?
Hello fellow friend of coal. We're in a sad sorry state of affairs. Hopefully you're in one of the four or five places in the state that aren't covered in traitor flags. Never forget, coal keeps the lights on! (In the mansions of the company owners)
Okay, but these are totally different! They're a fresh new idea! They're not even called company towns! And we'll pay workers in crypto! No one will own anything! Except me! See?! Totally different!