Photo taken yesterday (2025-02-08) at a supermarket in Kyoto, Japan.
Alt text: A picture of the eggs section in a Japanese supermarket. There's a 10-pack of eggs going for 215 Japanese Yen, which is about 1.42 US dollars.
I forgot that the us is one of the few countries that washes the eggs and as a result they have to be refridgerated, its weirs for me to just see them out on the floor at room temperature
I was convinced Japan also washed their eggs. I'm confused.
Also I'm curious about why Americans are really squeamish about people eating any egg products that haven't been fully sterilized by cooking, while others generally aren't scared of it, even if they're in a country that washes eggs just like the US.
In the US, people don't even taste their cake batter to check the amount of sugar before cooking it; in Canada, a summer isn't whole until you've made strawberry mousse (ingredients: strawberries, egg whites, sugar; eaten raw). Perplexing. Is it riskier in the US, or is the risk equally low everywhere but Americans are really paranoid?
It's just two different strategies for avoiding salmonella. The US method has worked very well for a very long time. So much so that other countries did adopt it, at least for a time, but it requires an infrastructure that can keep the eggs refrigerated through from processing to consumer, which isn't trivial.
No - the US and Europe developed two different methods for handling salmonella.
Starting in the 1970s, the US chose to wash the eggs. The upside is that it eliminates virtually all risk. The downside is that it requires refrigeration throughout the entire supply line, but since they are refrigerated, US eggs last a lot longer; unrefrigerated eggs last about three weeks while refrigerated eggs last about 50 days.
Large portions of Europe didn't have the infrastructure to support this so the regulators instead chose to vaccinate the chickens. The upside is that no extra steps are required and no extra equipment like refrigerated trucks. The downside is that they don't last as long.
Both methods work about equally well and are both considered acceptable.
I'm not American, but in a lot of American cooking videos I watch, the host will go like "NEVER eat raw egg" or "I'm tasting a small amount here but it's a calculated risk I'm taking and you may not want to".
US here, I grew up in a township, part rural part suburban, on a farm and this was not a concern for most people out there but all my friends and their families from the suburban side were squeamish. I think it comes down to repeated misinformation reinforcing a fear.
It's not misinformation. You shouldn't really eat raw eggs from a commercial setting in the US. Tge chickens are kept in depolarble conditions that encourage disease and bactetia. Eggs from a small farm may as well be from a whole different world.
What I'm trying to say is that I think those people I grew up with maybe had a misconception that the risk was much higher than it actually was. We maybe should normalize pet chickens for small properties. Daily fresh eggs are so good and chickens are adorably goofy animals.
They often end up with bits of stuff stuck to them while they're wet, like feathers, bedding, etc. Poop isn't uncommon either. The same people who won't buy salmon unless it has that freshly dyed pink color, and won't buy potatoes if they aren't universally convex, balk at the bits that remind them they come from a real place and aren't just summoned into existence for their sake. Washing the eggs takes off the bits but also the 'bloom' which is the natural barrier to bacteria and the like. Hence, refrigeration.
Because the conditions that the chickens are raised in promote growth of salmonella to such a degree that they need to chlorinate the outside and scrub & wash away the cuticle. The production model for chickens is so harsh that they can't keep themselves clean or care for themselves. And the chemical companies profit off the model so there is no incentive to make chickens happier or healthier.
This is one of those neat factoids that isn't entirely true.
Japan does wash and refrigerate its eggs, just not all eggs and brands and groceries (it's not a law).
Refrigerated and unrefrigerated eggs side-by-side
Refrigerated eggs
Most of the low salmonella incident rate comes from a higher inspection rate of egg producers and, here's the fun one, a higher rate of raw egg ingestion, leading to faster report and response times for when there is contamination.