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ai comments on cbs videos, but why?
  • you ever see streamers ban accounts that say "cheap viewers, buy here" and other such comments? this is what their cheap viewers look like

  • Former lurkers (here or elsewhere online), what changed?
  • on reddit if you search by new, you may be like the only commenter ever on a post, and if you go to posts with whole ass discussions, your post may not be visible unless you say something that pisses half the people off.

    on lemmy more often than not people search by new, so posts and comments don't just die instantly. conversing generally feels better when you aren't late and others also converse

  • DAE feel a bit out of the pop culture loop using Lemmy as their primary social media?
  • I think that's more mastodon's flawed search than anything. Cause it'll only look for the specific term, so if someone don't use Kendrick's full name, it's not gonna show up. Or if you look by tag, you won't see much anything cause no one tags half their stuff

  • You dumb bitch
  • Idiot: well why can't they just alter genes to do away with disabilities?

    Me remembering the group of genetically modified individuals who came out with more neurological problems: they have several episodes on why you can't do that

  • mic picking up headphone audio on windows 11? no way found to untie audio jacks?
  • it's a Legion 5 16IRX9 - Type 83DG, one audio jack and my headset is a 4 ring headphones with mic

  • mic picking up headphone audio on windows 11? no way found to untie audio jacks?
  • those didn't work. one says amd adrenaline drivers, but I have nahemic, nvidia hd audio, and realtek. no amd. 3rd one doesn't even have the solution. but thx anyways

  • mic picking up headphone audio on windows 11? no way found to untie audio jacks?

    I've had this problem since I got the new computer and I can't find a fix to save my soul. All the stuff I read online didn't work, and most other options are for windows 10. I found one thing that says realtek drivers tie your audio jacks together by default and to turn that off, but there's no audio driver manager I can find to do so. What do I do, where do I go?

    It's a Lenovo Legion with only one audio jack, and my headphones have the 4 ring 3.5mm jack.

    eggs in japan
  • Americans are really, REALLY paranoid

  • A warning to those who say "Woman! Make me a sandwich!"
  • why don't you want to be soup? Soup is good! people love soup! Join us in soup!

  • What's the biggest or most severe example of "missing the point" you've seen?
  • anyone that whines about Rage Against The Machine's music being "tOo pOLiTiCaL"

  • YSK You can substitue blood for eggs in recipes
  • does it have to be human blood? I know someone who can get me plenty of goat blood

  • Does anyone else get so tired and depressed from saying you're good when people ask how you are?
  • I've mostly said "good" or "alright" or some of that cause if I tell people how I really feel, they suggest institutionalizing me

  • [long post] the great lost library of neoboard
  • I need most of these as individual screenshots, specifically the last one

  • Life in a nutshell
  • to add insult to injury, the "two hours away" is by car

  • Where can I find a list of companies supporting Elon Musk?
  • Ai by definition scrapes up data from everywhere left and right for its dataset. If Elon is gonna fuck around a lot during his great replacement tour, there's gonna be a lot of data in these banks with his name on it

  • What's your favorite game mechanism you've seen in a card game.
  • I like xyz summoning in yugioh. There were plenty of cards that could swarm the fields with monsters, but they were usually weak af; basically glorified tokens. With xyz you just put em together into a boss monster with some power behind its effect. Then the rank up spells where you can summon one with another really added some extra flavor.

    Shame the game got a little too fast after 2023. I mean I like it faster and having more options than "eat shit til you draw an out," but it feels like there's more outs than deck

  • What food or item/brand did you use to love, but isn't around anymore?
  • 5th Avenue chocolate bars. I don't know if they still exist or not but I've only ever found em in the checkout lines of one grocery store.

    also Murry's chicken nuggets. they were cheap and good, but they disappeared by the time I was in high school

  • I haven't been home in a while. But when did Arkansas and other states have their governors pop up saying you can't view this porn site? With a guilt trip? No offense but not looking for sanders porn
  • long story short, they're tryna forbid the internet from providing "lgbtq+ propaganda" by banning certain online content, which extends to erotic material, and pornhub is barring access to anyone using an ip from those states as protest, basically saying "until your governors get that stick outta their ass, you're not getting ANY of this."

  • I'm okay. Everything will be okay.
  • could be worse. you could pick a song you like as your alarm tone, and panic when u driving listening to your ipod or spotify.

    mine was NJ Legion Iced Tea by A Day to Remember

  • What've you got for * ?
  • the obstruction of class consciousness

  • Does alcohol expire? Specifically whiskey?

    My family and I were going through my grandmother's apartment after her passing to get her estate in order. After all was said and done, I got a bunch of alcohol she had for guests mostly, including two types of whiskey (scotch and regular), some gin, and three flavors of vodka. I tried some of the Crown Royal and it didn't taste too good. Also didn't taste like the last glass of whiskey I had before. Of course I always hear about stuff aged 4 years or 12 years etc. so I wonder if it's a "gone bad" thing or a me thing.

    Why are earbuds so dang loud on PC?

    On the past 2 PCs I had, if I used earbuds I had to turn the volume down to 20% at the LOUDEST. Often times I had to go to 10% or lower to not utterly blow my eardrums out. Yet when I use regular headphones, 40% is an okay volume. I don't know if that's a problem specifically for Realtek audio drivers or the earbuds themselves. Is there a way to change this so I can have earbuds be quiter at louder volumes?

    Anyone else get random cancellation emails from onlyfans?

    Now, I never created an onlyfans account, but today I got two emails from them: one asking to confirm an email account, and one confirming its cancellation. Was that a hack going around or just bad luck on my end? I already changed passwords and everything, just wondering if anyone else had a problem like this.

    I want to donate old work shirts, but I don't want people to be mistaken for employees there. How do I remove the logos?

    I have a lot of tshirts from companies I used to work for, but I don't wear them anymore. I was going to give them away, but I'm worried random people wearing work uniforms might cause problems down the line. Some are construction companies, which I'm not too worried about, but the retail shirts are my concern. Is there a way to remove the text on them so they're just regular solid colored shirts? I want to say the logos are screenprinted but I don't think they were, and I can't remember the name of any other printing processes that aren't just stitching them in.

    Tips on making your data less sellable?

    A charity I'm volunteering for and a contractor I know insist I have a facebook account for contact reasons. Naturally I bought a separate device to use for that, but I was wondering if there were ways to make my data undesirable to potential buyers. So far I got the obvious tiennamen square posting and that gay putin pic, but I was wondering what else I could do

    Why are 90% of the images WebP format?

    is it a formatting step that an image goes through when uploaded? I'm tired of converting image after image back into jpg, so if there's like a step I can take to avoid it being a webp, it would help to know

    Of all the sketchy eCommerse sites (Wish, Aliexpress, Temu), which is the "safest?"

    I always hear stories about the dangers of buying from, Aliexpress, and recently Temu. I've jokingly called them "buyer beware" sites even. Yet people still use them, and there's just as many positive results as negative. But I've also heard about unexplained card charges, data hacks, pyramid-scheme-like behavior, etc. So which of those sites, or other similar sites, is the "safest" if I DID wanna shop there?

    Battle_Masker Battle Masker
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