We are pleased to announce the latest stable release of Jellyfin, version 10.10.4! This minor release brings several bugfixes to improve your Jellyfin experience. As always, please ensure you stop you
There is some discussion regarding JMP (Jellyfin Media Player) and its lack of development the past year. Jellyfin Official appears open to replacing JMP with an alternative, meaning pushing users to a different application.
What desktop clients are people using currently? Are there any in the works that you believe could replace JMP?
If you are developing one, please reply and advertise it here!
Ditto, but only because it seems more reliable than the windows client. I didn't bother submitting a bug report because I can't properly articulate the issue.
If you've got a webOS TV then the official client was updated to support more versions recently. Check again in the content store and see if you're in luck.
If not, then (with a bit of faffing around) you can enable developer mode and sideload the IPK.
Not sure which tv you have, but there is a webos client that works well. It'll occasionally decide to transcode atmos stuff instead of direct streaming but restarting the movie once or twice gets it to play nice.