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This week in KDE: everything, I think
  • I swear I think of this every time someone mentions kde should just fix bugs. I follow Nate's blog weekly and try to keep track of any other work that is going on. 90% of any kde release is polishing, bug fixing, and refactoring or outright replacing old code that was causing issues. For some reason, people seem to consider colors changing from blue to red a new feature.

  • GNOME 47 Can Now Be Built With X11 Support Disabled
  • GWE

    The primary maintainer stepped down, but there has still been work done by other contributors. The primary problem is that the underlying library is reliant on x11. This is the same reason why nvidia-settings doesn't have all of its features on wayland. Basically if nvidia's on tool doesn't work then there is no way that green with envy can either. There is an open merge request attempting to switch to a different library that Nvidia says they plan to move to eventually, but it is slow going.

  • GNOME 47 Can Now Be Built With X11 Support Disabled
  • Not OP, but I use sunshine and moonlight for streaming my pc to various devices. Wayland forces me to use kms and I can't turn the monitors off while I'm doing it. Someone was working on a pipewire backend, so hopefully that goes somewhere.

    GreenWithEnvy is also a nuisance on Wayland while Nvidia Settings Panel doesn't even work. I have a custom script just to control my fans on Wayland, but I'm eventually switching from Nvidia anyways, so it won't matter for much longer.

  • What are your thoughts on this? "How did Mozilla Firefox go from being the best and most beloved browser to suddenly the worst company and browser according to Reddit"
  • There are real issues with Mozilla, but most of these people are complaining about nothing. Constantly whining about every little thing to the point you would think they are saying they are worse than Google.

  • Intel Low Power Mode Daemon v0.0.4 Released To Optimize Hybrid CPUs On Linux
  • I read the words hybrid cpu 5 times and still thought this was something about hybrid graphics.

  • Is it possible to use Linux without the command line?
  • You are saying that they should make GUI's. I thought we were talking about guides here?

  • HP bricks ProBook laptops with bad BIOS delivered via automatic updates — many users face black screen after Windows pushes new firmware
  • I swear when it comes to forced updates of any kind it seems like this kind of outcome is always inevitable. There will at some point always be a bad update.

  • Is it possible to use Linux without the command line?
  • I hate the “just use the terminal” internet advice. Sometimes it’s necessary, but it really shouldn’t be on modern GUI distros.

    The problem is no one wants to make a GUI guide for Gnome, KDE, Cinnamon, Mate, XFCE, and so on and so forth.

  • 7 Common Linux Myths You Should Stop Believing
  • You will come across all sorts of different solutions by just searching for linux backups. I personally use the app vorta which uses the command line tool borg under the hood. As for the list of packages, that will differ per distro, so just search how to list all installed packages on your distro.

  • 7 Common Linux Myths You Should Stop Believing
  • Most likely through a combination of backups and the fact that all your apps can be redownloaded from the repos with a single terminal command followed by a list of packages. I literally keep a list of installed packages. When I reinstalled my system years ago. I restored all configs from my backups and just installed all the same packages I had last time. Reboot and boom you are up and running in no time flat. Depending on your internet speed.

  • Plasma 6.1 Beta Review, Its Perfect.
  • I've noticed a few minor bugs, but nothing major. Overall a solid update. Explicit sync working perfectly.

  • [QUESTION] Flatpak or AUR?
  • I usually do distro repos, followed by aur, then flatpak if the aur version is too cumbersome (e.g. obs, game emulators). Funnily enough I use steam native because when I was using the flatpak. I had trouble with mods and things of that nature. A lot of that stuff either needs to be moved to different locations, straight up doesn't work, or requires a bit of permission fiddling and I just didn't wanna go through that. On the other hand. I believe there was a glibc issue on Arch that broke all games on steam native for a couple of days which the flatpak didn't suffer from. Just goes to show nothing is perfect either way.

  • Remote desktop for Wayland?
  • It does and I'm beta testing plasma 6.1 now. I can confirm it is there. I'll have to give it a try later.

  • My friend didn't have a great experience with Linux
  • Maybe you should have considered the stuff he wanted to do before convincing him to use linux. I could have told you he'd have problems with that stuff. If he said he mainly plays steam games then sure, but not literally the most finicky, cumbersome games to get going in existence. Also out of curiosity because I haven't even thought about Roblox in like 8 years. I thought that was a browser game?

  • KDE Plasma 6.1 Beta Release
  • I'm already beta testing it. A solid improvement. Fixes a lot of long standing issues and makes quite a few existing features easier to use.

  • Newish user migrating to Linux
  • I'm concerned about using ntfs on linux. While linux can read and write to the drive fine. I consider it to be a only if you have to kind of deal.

  • This week in KDE: Triple buffering and other sources of amazingness
  • I'm beta testing 6.1 on Arch and can confirm that the feature is present and working great.

  • when you upgrade an OS, do you clean install or upgrade?
  • I feel like that may be true nowadays, but I remember back when I used to use ubuntu that the upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 was pretty bad. Fedora has always worked great for me, but these days I only use rolling release distros in which case there aren't any major version updates in the first place, so the problem largely doesn't exist in the same context.

  • I don't know anything about Linux and the idea of installing it frightens me. Where do I start?
  • While the actual install process is super easy especially if you managed to install windows 10 on your own, I'm actually more curious as to what laptop you went and bought. Whether or not your hardware even works well with linux is the much more common problem that people have when using it. It's what leads to the vast majority of something works on my hardware, but not yours posts. Plenty of people have already given instructions on installing, so I won't go into that, but maybe try to research linux on [insert whatever laptop you bought] first.

  • Does anyone know why SteamOS is based on arch rather than Debian?
  • Yes, but that isn't really relevant to the current state of things. I still think Gnome's wayland implementation is ahead in some ways, but why would that matter when various game related stuff doesn't work on Gnome. We are talking about a gaming company here.

  • D_Air1 D_Air1
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