Isn't Red 40 the more concerning dye since it causes behavior issues in kids? Can't we just stick with using ground up beetles for our red colors instead of petroleum products?
Last I looked at it the support for that claim looked shaky. Can't we just use plant-based natural reds? No need to grind bugs when you can grind beets.
What a disingenuous deflection! Explain again how we’ll see “more of this”, which might be interpreted as banning harmful substances, so there’s an easy out for you! If only you would or could support your assertions…
You did not understand my comment and It is intended to be self-explanatory. I would prefer not to repeat information unnecessarily for someone who may not have fully understood it.
Good job you can see the year! now compare those #s to your boys year so you can see how much they did for us. I guess people love to live in ignorance and still yap…smh
Bro its not my fault you dont know what im referring too when its in the sentence. You gotta be able to figure this simple shit out if you wanna have a conversation about it.