Oh sorry I thought you had a point that you were trying to communicate! Like, it’s not for me, but for the people.
What a disingenuous deflection! Explain again how we’ll see “more of this”, which might be interpreted as banning harmful substances, so there’s an easy out for you! If only you would or could support your assertions…
Oh yay, you learned a native phrase! Your handler must be so proud 🥰.
Oh, except for the part where you put it no effort and just look like an idiot.
“The wheel is turning”, cool bro but towards what? “See much more of this”, but when asked what was meant by “this”, you responded, “this”.
You’re right, it’s my reading comprehension at issue.
Blah blah blah, and yet you still haven’t made a coherent point to respond to. Do you get paid by the word?
You people just don’t even try anymore, do you?
No because he’s just a troll.
And complain about “liberal media”
“Research it on my own”? By doing what? Running clinical trials? We have experts as a society for a reason.
You’re probably the kind of person who thinks it’s a massive government overreach that you’re forced to wear a seatbelt.
“Hey guys, I think vaccines cause autism but THE LEFT won’t let me spread my bullshit online!
Isn’t that the same thing as platforming actual Nazis???”
Why is it better than unmatched 401k?
You can tell this is the look he was going for by his calling downvoters “simpletons”.
Aw man, I loved opposing force so much! The idea of having allies (with their own infinite ammo!) to fight for you was everything I had ever wanted in a game.
Oh was there something inaccurate in the story?
Why would refusing to vote for an Indian Democrat be vindicated by the existence of these assholes?
I think he meant “fuck them” as in “who cares about them”, as there is not incest or anything like that in Scrooged!
Right, because I was responding to such a well thought out argument?
Fairy tale how exactly? I put money in, wow more money now! Which part fake???
That’s just not logical man, because first of all it’s the entire basis of the banking system. Money creates money, and your investment in the stock market is essentially similar to a loan offered by a bank. The money you spent buying the stock allows the company to invest more in the business, and you get increased stock value for your trouble.
Maybe you want to be more specific about what you mean by “value”, but it was valuable for me to be able to buy a house without having to pay for it all up front, for example.
You even acknowledge that we workers are forced to be accomplices in this scam, chasing our breadcrumbs. Why would you denigrate those who participate in the system because we have literally no other choice? What is your point? Should I boycott the stock market in the hopes that some oligarch notices?