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TikTok will not be sold, Chinese parent ByteDance tells US TikTok will not be sold, Chinese parent ByteDance tells US

The video sharing app faces being banned in the US unless it severs ties with its China's ByteDance.

TikTok will not be sold, Chinese parent ByteDance tells US

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  • Which is the same as a vote for a dictator. And that is super cool if you are looking forward to Project 2025, and selling out loved ones so they can be put in camps as political prisoners.

    • 🤡

      Is a vote for Trump actually two votes for Trump? Oh! Is every dollar you don't donate to Biden a dollar donated to Trump?

      • I'm not following your logic here. Not voting, or actually voting for Trump both work in his favor because his base is going to vote for him no matter what. You would only be hurting the side that wants us to continue to have future elections. But at the end of the day if you can look in the mirror and be ok with selling out democracy more power to ya.

        • They just passed a fascist bipartisan bill to censor TikTok because it was showing the truth about Gaza and because it was disrupting the preexisting media cartel that already exists in the US. This was part of a larger fascist foreign aid package meant to help Israel carry out its genocide and prolong the war in Ukraine instead of seek a peace deal and help provoke a war in Taiwan by arming them to the teeth and pushing us to fucking WW3. By voting for them you are making it clear that they can do anything they want to you and you'll beg for more.

          I already decided not to vote for genocide Joe a while ago. If I'm going to vote at all, I'm going to vote the way Bushnell did.

      • Mathematician here, I can answer this. Equivalence relations are symmetric, so if staying home is a vote for Trump then showing up to vote for Trump is the same as staying home on election day.

        • Okay, but then isn't staying home also a vote for Biden by the same logic?

          This isn't a binary relation, there's clearly three options (vote for Biden, vote for Trump, vote for neither).

          • That doesn't make any sense. The idea that staying home could be a vote for Biden seems pretty silly on its face. If that were true, there wouldn't be any point in going out to vote for him, because the majority (or at least a plurality) of the country stays home regardless. He'd win in a landslide.

            • Why is it that staying home is a vote for Trump but it isn't a vote for Biden. Doesn't that seem strange to you?

              And you're right, it doesn't make any sense, and that applies to staying home being a vote for Trump. The plurality of the country stays home, so Trump should win in a landslide, right? Yet he lost once. This seems like a glaring error in the idea that a protest vote is a vote for Trump.

              • Doesn’t that seem strange to you?

                It doesn't seem strange at all. I have never once heard someone suggest that staying home is a vote for Biden, but it's pretty well agreed upon that not voting is a vote for Trump.

       Trump should win in a landslide, right? Yet he lost once. This seems like a glaring error in the idea that a protest vote is a vote for Trump.

                Only if you believe that election wasn't stolen.

                • I have never once heard someone suggest that staying home is a vote for Biden, but it’s pretty well agreed upon that not voting is a vote for Trump.

                  That's the strange part! Why is staying home a vote for Trump but not a vote for Biden? What makes them different?

    • Have you thought maybe the democrats themselves own some responsibility for the jeopardy the election is in? Maybe banning one of the most popular social media sites right before an election was a bad move?

    • No, it's not.

      Abstaining from voting is an option the voter is given.

      I bet you have a heck of a time differentiating apples, oranges, and pears.

      "A pear is basically just an orange because you didn't pick the apple." - TimLovesTech

    • The guy you replied to has replied in a similar variant of “x event happened, therefore dems don’t want to win.”

      Can’t fault them though, he’s just doing his job and following orders. The opposite would be …. Unthinkable