While the frame rate I've been getting is not at all consistent, I do get 45-90 fps, which is quite playable with Freesync. Running 3840x1600 w/5800X3D and 6700XT. Not too crazy of a system. From my understanding, it's the 2000 and 3000 series Nvidia cards mainly having issues.
Good to hear. From what I've been reading, there are a lot of users (maybe just a vocal minority?) with 2000 and 3000 series cards that are performing poorly with the same GPU at 1440p high and at 1080p low settings. The graphical settings don't seem to affect performance for those users.
Some of the specs I was reading from those particular complaints had 13600 Intel CPU's or Ryzen 7600 and up. I can't imagine those are CPU bound at 1080p. There might be some differences at that resolution, but they should be able to hit 60FPS at 1080p low.
Checking in with a Ryzen 7600 and an Nvidia 2060. Runs fine no complaints, medium-high settings. I didn't know there was outcry about poor optimization until I saw this article here.
Because everyone can run out and get a 4x because of Starfield. What a chode lol
When did I ever suggest anyone "run out. and get a 4x"? Don't upgrade your GPU (assuming it's within the specified requirements), wait for patches, drivers, and the inevitable community patch.
I love that someone downvotes this. Ahhh the internet. Whoever was offended by my explanation and thinks it's not an appropriate post... I hope something good happens to you today.
My 2070 super has been running everything smoothly on High at 3440x1440 (CPU is a Ryzen 5600X, game installed on an M.2 SSD). I haven't been closely monitoring frames, but I cannot think of a single instance where it's noticeably dropped, which for me usually means 50+ fps for games like this. I may even test running on some higher settings, but I've done very little tweaking/testing.
I did, however, install a mod from the very beginning that lets me use DSLL, which likely helps a ton.
I had Freesync set to ON on my monitor and it caused a ton of flashing like a strobe light was on. When I turned it off it went away. Any idea what that could have been? I'd like to be able to use it.
Yeah I meant VRS. I have VRS on and Freesync enabled on my monitor. I don't know why you would have problems unless it's specific to Nvidia, your monitor, or some other software co-morbidity.
3080 here with zero issues. Running on ultra everything I get 50-60 fps consistently with dips down to 30 once or twice briefly in really busy areas. Also at 2160p resolution too.