I know she’s been villainized by the right, but I feel like, at this point, she needs to be elevated to key leadership of the party. She’s the only one who seems to be able to speak to specifics. I just listened to Jeffries on Jon Stewart’s podcast and it was all of the same old generalities.
I can't speak to every politician, but as a class, they seem to be elites that are disconnected from the average American.
AOC, having been a normal person, is able to bring the message that gets through to people without having it filtered through some sort of communication agency.
I hope they pass a bill to set age and term limits, alongside with voting reforms. Our political system was built for a mere 13 colonies that shared a coastline, not a continental civilization without telecommunication.
I think we now have real-world examples of what being without limits can bring us. For example, a supreme justice holds their role until death or abdication. The vast bulk of the SC court cannot relate to "young" people. This is problematic, seeing how many of them were born before things like DEI, foreign content like anime, or the Internet were common. Plus, the justices tend to be confirmed by old people, which only reinforces the issue.
If there is an overhaul when it comes to SCs in particular, I think the following would be good:
1: Trash the current SC system.
2: Each state can elect a single Supreme Justice to represent them. This Justice is elected through a popular vote. SCs have a term limit of ten years, and an age range of 30-70. They may be impeached by their state through a popular ballot.
3: The justices have to have lived in their state for at least 10 years, and continue living there for the rest of their term.
4: Digital means for justices to meet should be implemented. (For congress as well), and live feeds of their discussion process for all to see. We should be allowed to see and record how the sausage of our laws is made.
5: The assets, wealth, and social media of a Justice should be an open record. We don't want people like Clarance Thomas to be allowed to grift, especially not when the lives of so many people can be impacted.
By having each state having ownership of a single SC, we will have about 50 justices. This is good for having a wide variety of backgrounds and interests to be represented during judicial discussions, along with insulating against any one faction from pushing forward candidates.
Traditionally, we required our justices to be well versed in law and whatnot...but honestly, after the shitshow that is our current Supreme Court, it is clear that motivation trumps law and precedent. That Is why I suggest that justices be determined through a popular vote. If a justice is going to be motivated, it should be driven by the fact that they were chosen by the people of their state, not an political faction or leader.
I concur, US federal supreme court judges are appointed solely by the President. This makes these positions highly political and less about merit. Furthermore, fed circuit judges are appointed by fed SC judges, so the whole federal judicial system is just political tug-o'-war.
Cherry on top is a lot of civil judges, typically circuit-level as well, run unopposed in local elections. Their tenure tends to keep red-state law red and vice-versa. So much for US America being our self-proclaimed "Marketplace of Ideas".
I agree with revolutionizing our current federal judicial system. It is severely outdated and regularly exploited.
that's exactly why the establishment limits her movements. she's a threat to schumer and pelosi's stranglehold on the money pipelines. what schumer and pelosi either don't realize, or don't care about, is they're who the ultraradical right want dead first. they showed us as much on january 6th, 2021
Seriously. They all said they felt better than before but the dude barely said anything worthwhile. So disappointing it's the exact same hand wringing bullshit where they say "we just need to get the message out" instead of actually doing shit differently. Jon really did try to get more out of him but he stayed on message like 80% of the time like a true politician.