Come one come all to the Lemmy-verse! It's nice and cozy here, we do have some "bad parts of town" but you can do an instance block and not deal with them lol
Love everything about reddit but inexplicably wish to leave it?
Hate the idea of an english speaking internet that doesn't slavishly adhere to the party line of the US alphabet agencies?
Do you think the parable of the nazi bar is bunch of hokum?
Do you have shrieking anger towards people who refused to support genocide while having shrieking anger at (usually the same) people rejecting decades long debunked accusations of genocide made by the perpetrators of aforementioned genocide?
Join the lemmyverse! We have racism! We have homophobia! We have trans misogyny! We have daily 5 minutes hate!
And if anyone tells you different, have you considered they're a paid shill by the notorious gay sex haver Putler??
There’s a big difference between ‘there’s Nazis in our military’ vs ‘our government is erecting monuments of Nazis.’
It’s not even ‘almost a genocide.’ The US officials are trying to save face. The CIA and State Dept were training Uyghur extremists to destabilize the region, and they’re pissed China put a stop to it, and started rehabilitating the militants.