Making Win 11 even harder to install is a bold move from Microsoft. Most average users are content with using the OS that comes with their PC and upgrading it when necessary. But if the option is to either buy a new PC or fiddle with registry settings in hope that Win 11 will work, I think a lot more people will start looking at Linux instead.
Let's not kid ourselves, most people will not start looking at Linux. They should, but they won't. They'll continue to use the version of Windows their machine came with, becoming a botnet petri dish in the process, forever, until it breaks or becomes unusable. If Microsoft actually forces their machine to become unbootable they'll rush off to the mall and replace it with a Mac.
And in the meantime they'll click off any nags and warnings Microsoft sends them without reading them.
Just like happened with XP.
Just like what happened with Vista.
Just like what happened with 7.
Most users are clueless, barely understand how to use their computers except by rote, and therefore are extremely afraid of change. Microsoft could offer a free puppy with your updrade to Win11 and I think about 75% of users would still refuse to take it.
My partner keeps telling me to stop trying to install Linux on things... It will fix all the problems though! Like someone that only ever uses chrome they could just have an Ubuntu install and I am sure they will be able to manage using firefox.
I work in IT, run Mint on my travel laptop, and yet at home use the desktop I got 10 years ago, still with Win 8.1. And I use my current desktop quite extensively. There's still a lot of perfectly fine hardware with outdated OS floating around, and I'd argue that a significant portion of it is used by people experienced enough that they know what they are doing. Much of that will shift towards Linux. Not most of it, I'll grant you that, but more than people expect.
most people will not start looking at Linux. They should, but they won't.
Assuming you're correct, the Linux community needs to get their shit together then.
And i can fix that.
All i need is 1 billion dollars in investment. 10 million people giving 100 dollars to a Kickstarter/indie gogo
And ill make it happen in my lifetime.
I'll accept louis rossman as my business partner who handles the money to prevent me from abusing it or staying from the goal
It will take time.
But it will be global.
First year will only cost 150k. My salary until the donors decide to adjust it as source by Louis
Plus travel expenses. I'm willing to have review board and recommended budget changes as long as i can work on 2-3 year spreads with a fixed budget, as approved by Louis and the board.
I will only tell Louis my plan and he can choose where the money goes and who replaced me if he decides to remove me
Also I'm serious and will donate 30,000 dollars to the campaign and 5 thousand to person who can run this campaign and get this started
Nah, just us tech heads that are willing to put in the effort (and I'm not, Linux on the desktop has a long way to go, and I use Linux for all sorts of services).
99% of users can't be bothered to understand the concept of a web browser, and that there are different ones. Switch them to any Linux distro and they'd freeze like deer in headlights.
Source: decades of providing support.
And yes, dumb move my MS, not sure what they're trying to do here.
What do you perceive is missing? I've been using Linux exclusively since 2006 (while supporting Windows users at work), there's never been a time when I felt like I was missing a particular Windows feature. Mostly I just find Windows' lack of user-friendliness to be extremely maddening.
To be fair, if you've been using Linux exclusively for nearly 30 years then yeah, you wouldn't be missing any Windows features because you don't daily it. That's a no-brainer.
I'm a daily Windows user but I do sometimes dabble in Linux both out of curiosity and also for challenge reasons. I used to use it for my school laptop(s) and at one point I had a 2nd desktop rig running it. I can gladly say it has come a long way and improved in many ways since the early days, but it still has a ways to go. Unfortunately one of the biggest obstacles is the Linux community itself which is both resistant to change and exceptionally hostile to new users.
About two years ago I was troubleshooting an audio driver that refused to work and I was asking in several Linux communities for assistance. The responses ranged from standoffish to indifferent to several people outright saying "If you can't even figure this out then maybe you shouldn't use Linux lmao". And I agree. Maybe I shouldn't. Because I was tired of spending so much time screwing around in a terminal while talking to people that think I am trash for struggling to use the operating system they claim is so good.
Linux can be an extremely polished, smooth, and effective experience but that experience is like the frozen surface of a lake. Once something goes wrong and you break through the surface - you are screwed unless you are highly experienced already. That has been my experience, at least.
Ugh that's terrible about the experience with the audio driver, and unfortunately I have to agree... there ARE some really elitist linux communities out there. My last bad experience was on Digg, I was trying to ask a question about changing the resolution on the console from the grub config. The admin of the group was so hung up on insisting that I couldn't have a "real" server because I had a monitor connected to it, that he wouldn't even let anyone else try to answer the question (and it's actually a simple setting). He actually deleted the post because he was so disgusted by the idea that my rack of servers has a kvm switch attached.
The communities here on lemmy have been so much better with helping people out. Yeah there is definitely still hardware out there that is impossible (or nearly so) to get to work under linux, but those are usually the "software" devices (like the 56k modems we saw just before broadband become widespread). I've also run across issues trying to get a soft keyboard to pop up on a 2-in-1 Dell laptop (where you can flip the keyboard to the back and use it like a tablet), but I didn't really poke at that for long. On the other hand I've run into similar issues on Windows over the years, trying to reinstall it on a machine and discovering even the manufacturer no longer has the drivers for the hardware they sold, so I don't feel like linux is unique in this problem.
As far as fixing problems goes... Have you ever had Windows break so badly that you had to burn an install disk, boot up to a command prompt, and perform a series of cryptic commands trying to get the system up and running again? I've had to deal with that both from viruses and from Windows breaking itself. Meanwhile linux has such tools built in from the boot menu, and yeah the commands are still cryptic to most people, but at least you don't have to visit pirate bay from another machine to get back online.
I can safely say that over 20 years of mainly Windows, I have never had any crashes or bugs. Ever.
I was using the same install of Windows since 2017, up to 2021, without a single issue. Why I had to reinstall it was because of a foolish mistake on my part, late late at night, trying to install Linux on a spare SSD I had lying around thanks to a laptop was really struggling to do anything any longer. Again, this was my fault 100% as I didn't understand SDA/SDB/etc. I do now though!
With Linux, there is always something that prevents me from using my computer in a manner that I would consider "normal". I mainly game. I use save editors, WeMod, and love to use mods on games that support it. I like how easy it is to set up my NAS, through Windows, without any extra fussing around in some config file somewhere. I like that I can just do what I'm planning to do with the computer that day, unlike in Linux where sometimes I can't even do something basic like set a jpg as a poster for a downloaded YouTube video on Plex that is all hosted on my NAS. On openSUSE, apparently I can't just do that. There is some arbitrary permissions issue preventing me from doing that, while on Windows, it just works.
Sometimes I wonder what actual programs Linux permanents use on the daily. I truly find it hard to believe it is a lot of applications, because most of the applications I like/need to use, will not work on Linux through Wine/Bottles/Proton. Nor do they have a Linux alternative. It makes me sad, because I truly want to get off that OS, but the wide amount of things I like to do always get snagged up on something in Linux.
All this to say that I absolutely fucking LOVE Linux, what it stands for, and the idea behind it. Just a counter argument, is all.
P.S. I've been an on and off again Linux noob since at least 2010, and even today, I am still trying to make the move. It's just not as simple as the Linux evangelicals like to say it is.
Sometimes I wonder what actual programs Linux permanents use on the daily.
For me it's the usual stuff like Firefox and Thunderbird, plus chat programs running constantly, with ssh consoles, VM managers, and text documents sitting in the background. Depending on which project I'm working on at the time I might be using GIMP, OpenSCAD, developing circuit boards, printing 3D models, writing arduino code, designing model train layouts, managing photographs or using kstars to run my star tracker. And there's the more mundane stuff like having LibreOffice and PDF docs open, playing music, or watching a downloaded TV show. I really get into a lot of different projects so from month to month there will always be something different running on my desktop.
I did finally break down and order a newer LGA1155 motherboard so I can bump up to 32G of memory, should be here tomorrow and then maybe I won't run so dangerously close to running out of memory all the time. Having to wait half an hour while firefox does garbage collection really sucks.
Yes, going off of your reply, I can assume that the myriad programs that I run into that I might like to use are much much more niche in my case.
Thank you for your reply! It is good to finally get some sense of what kind of stuff people on Linux only use. I am probably just a niche example, but it still sucks since I want to ONLY use Linux. :/
I've heard some aspects of gaming are supported really well (I think things like Steam?), but other aspects just don't have any backing because the developers only focus on Windows. I would think anyone who supports both Windows and Mac would also be able to port to Linux, but then I look at Microsoft who specifically avoids any support for linux or the software they do support just really sucks (looking at you, Teams).
If games are your main focus then Linux may not be for you. If productivity is your focus, then try imagining not being plagued by viruses or having to reboot every five minutes because of a system update. As with anything, different tools are best for different tasks.
Yes, games and programs that are games adjacent are mainly what I use.
I've happily gamed on openSUSE, but have only been successful with anything through Steam. Some GOG games work, but I tried a few abandonware games (Sims 1, Sims 2) and could never get them installed properly for whatever reasons. Because of this, and the programs such as save editors, I actually went and created a KVM just for those Windows programs that I didn't want to reboot just to get back into Windows for.
Either way, I have "tweaked" Windows with ChrisTitusTech's Windows Utility just so I can block/remove as much telemetry and tracking as possible. I pine for privacy through Linux though. :/
I am wanting to help more though, so I've been to a few GitHub repos (wemod-launcher) to try and help them when I run into a problem on openSUSE. I may be a noob, but I want to try and help those that are trying to help convert those lost like I still hanging on to Windows for their niche stuff.
I've heard the right tool for the right job before. I just truly do love Linux, and want to only stay on there. :(
Have you ever had Windows break so badly that you had to burn an install disk...
As a programmer, yes under Windows 3.0 I could crash the computer so hard that the only way to recover was to reformat the hard disk. It got progressively better in later versions and everything from Windows 2000 has been virtually uncrashable.
My most recent hard crash was when I had a VM, two Minecraft instances and Firefox all open at the same time and Windows ran out of memory (so I upgraded from 32GB to 64GB). It does make me wonder why some of that didn't get swapped out though.
Oof how much space do those Minecraft instance take up??? My biggest usage is from Firefox, usually takes about 10GB of memory on my 16GB systems, but I run a lot of heavier stuff like building 3D models in the rest of the available space. I'm waiting on a replacement motherboard so I can upgrade to 32G though.
5G for HermitCraft S9, 10G for Enigmatica 6 Expert (looking at Working Set in Resource Monitor). I've rebuilt impulseSV's iBuy as an autocrafting tower in my E6E world, and I needed more detail than I could glean from the videos.
Firefox is a bit more tricky to work out because it's split over multiple processes but if I kill it while watching Resource Monitor the Available Memory jumps by about 9G, with 56 tabs open.
Damn that's a LOT of memory for those processes. And wow, 9G for only 56 tabs? I currently have around 2600 tabs open (yeah I know, time to do some clean-up), I always assumed that was the reason why my firefox was using so much memory.
Switched my mum to Mint, and encouraged her to attend outreach meets put on by local Linux groups. She's well pleased with it and has been recommending her friends to switch.
Maximise profits and minimise losses. My guess is that someone important at Microsoft thinks that this will do just that, and if not that, will make them, personally, a lot of money. That person has no-one who will dare challenge their authority and so we go down this road.
They (that individual or Microsoft as a whole) almost certainly have a stake in the companies that provide newer hardware, and if they didn't before this decision, they will have by now.
It theoretically makes Micosoft's job easier too. A huge chunk of backwards compatibility maintenance goes out of the window, if you'll pardon the pun.
"Oh you have 5 year old hardware? We don't support that."
Sounds fairly similar to Apple's business model if you think about it that way.
Just install them a browser and pin it to task bar on mint. Maybe add all important websites to favourites, and boom 99% of use cases of common people: Check ✅
Nope. Brother in law is upgrading all the family PCs (a total of 3) so he can carry on with 11. Only nerds like everyone here and myself will switch to Linux because we know upgrading your PC just to support the OS is ridiculous.
Well, I guarantee you that the whole world that don’t have strong currencies (like the dollar or euro) will find workarounds to avoid buying new computers.
I'd bet most non-nerdy people would rather not upgrade their PCs at all. Upgrading is financially hard, while using an EOL OS in their eyes, especially if it is better than the new version, isn't bad. Maybe even good, because no sudden, annoying, unskippable updates would come anymore.
It’s like they forgot that their monopoly is ensured by their lenience towards piracy and industry leading backwards compatibility. Being consumer hostile this way is unusual from Microsoft but I guess they hope to make it up by making Windows subscription based in the longer term.
Tbh I thought they would have already gone subscription by now. When they announced win11 after saying 10 was the last I was very surprised it wasn't either free or subscription based. Now I wonder if they will at some point release win12 with AI tools behind pro and make that subscription only.
I use Linux so I won't be touching it but will see how it goes. Usually end up having to know at least a little about this as people ask me to fix their windows PCs
You can keep using Windows 10 safely on your old hardware after „official” support ends, it’s just subscription based. Some individual customers will probably pay so it’s extra money on top of what they make on corporate volume licensing.
Extended Security Updates for Windows 10 can be purchased today through the Microsoft Volume Licensing Program, at $61 USD per device for Year One. The price doubles every consecutive year, for a maximum of three years.