That would definitely be propaganda since it was the Soviets who actually did all the work while the American's ratlined the Nazi's into their country, allowed them to transform their government institutions, consolidated power during the red scare and became a Nazi Empire over the next 80 years.
I'm saying everything you know about everything is propaganda. Try reading books, specifically by Bernays then come back to this conversation.
You fucking yank libs with your bullshit exasperations - Let me get this right, lol have you ever read a book? You don't need to reply, I know the answer and I blocked you because I don't have time to be libsplained, just posting memes that you're proving right.
I mean you ever see The Wire? In the first season the "heroes" beat the shit out of bystanders so much a child loses an eye. They then go on to solve murders.
I haven't see the wire. But I don't remember they doing that in CSI Miami, they just solved murder cases in ingenious ways.
For some people CSI is like extreme propaganda. Then they proceded to eat a literal propaganda video from a terrorist group that's literally murdering people and justifying why they are murdering people and be cool with that. The other guy literally threatened me over that, it's crazy.
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.
Sounds like it's referring to any marketing or public communications from any company government or individual. I'd qualify that as overly broad.
In some languages “advertising” and “propaganda” are the same word, and not for nothing. Bernays worked in both advertising and politics. It’s the same set of tools whether its to sell cigarettes or war.
I'd define propaganda as misconstruing the truth towards political ends. If it's commercial ends rather than political, it's false advertising. If it's not misconstruing, then it's advertising or public communications. Just to set a baseline.
I can't find what your sources are defining as propaganda from a brief look, let's compare to my definition.
it doesn't need to be misconstrued. the best propaganda imho is totally true and in context. spreading it with some kind of political goal is still propaganda.
I have seen them, and the government is the bad guy, with the overreach of public surveillance being major topic. You'll need to be more specific, but that would probably entail watching them.