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What else can be done to defeat Trump in November other than just telling people "vote"?
  • Trump even shown the way, assassinating general Soleimani.

  • Far-right wins first round in France election, run-off horsetrading begins
  • so you only have one reasonable choice (Democracy vs not).

    If it comes to that choice, it's already not a democracy, especially if that is the election tactics from liberals/centrist/moderates/whateverelsethefashenablerscallthemselves.

  • ‘I am not made for war’: the men fleeing Ukraine to evade conscription
  • quite a few down votes, no one explaining why though

    It's hard to take such declarations seriously over internet.

  • USA presidential candidates
  • Which is honestly meaningless but very convenient for US narrations. There were also older de facto constitutions, which are usually forgotten like the Henrician Articles of P-L Commonwealth. US constitution is famous because it was the one which was loudly proclaimed and imitated later.

  • USA presidential candidates
  • Oldest active constitution is San Marino.

  • North Korean troops will become 'cannon fodder' if they aid Russia in Ukraine, Pentagon says
  • Oh look projection again.

    Or it is direct and specific threat from US military?

  • Boy, 15, jailed for five years in Russia for opposing Putin and the Ukraine war
  • Probably got accepted into release at the same desk in Langley.

  • How the automobile industry turned us into SUV drivers
  • Idk if it's still on but at some point in Poland people were installing grates in the back of front seats because it legally made the car (even something like Daewoo Tico) into a truck which allowed tax benefits.

  • Also "parasite".
  • would have to change nickname

  • Biden administration moving towards allowing American military contractors to deploy to Ukraine
  • They won't care even if every one of them ends up dead. Actually, dead mercenaries were historically always a gain for the govt using them.

  • "There are not and cannot be any "beaches", "tourist zones" and other fictitious signs of "peaceful life" in #Crimea" - Mikhailo Podolyak, adviser to Ukrainian President
  • So he basically said there are no civilians in Crimea? This should greatly increase support among the people there. Oh and tribunals, be it Russian, Ukrainian and international should save this tweet too.

  • Israeli army strapped wounded Palestinian to jeep
  • Lebanon would be next most likely. Hell, they already plan to do it.

  • All humans who have ever lived
  • Something like 5th uppermost row in the lower part.

  • All humans who have ever lived
  • Flipping it right now

  • [META] State of the worldnews Community
  • One of not many properly moderated communities on

  • China tells US it would prevail in a Taiwan conflict without using nukes
  • Through such actions, China aims to dismantle the myth of U.S. “security guarantees” solidified by the military-backed U.S. dollar hegemony, dealing it a severe blow.

    Now that's a task. Myth of US security guarantees is dismantled visibly ever since Vietnam and has been repeatedly dismantled again and again ever since, but there still are governments that believe it. Or are comprador enough to do it anyway (i strongly suspect it is the latter, no one can be this dumb).

  • Capitalism breeds innovation.
  • Obama participated in 12 wars, i wouldn't call this "lite" by any means.

  • U.S. puts Japan back on currency manipulator watch list after 1 year
  • Coincidentally just after Japan dropped 1/5th of their dollar bond reserve, some 63 billion.

  • 0 Hit on Chinese balloon was F-22’s first air-to-air strike

    The airstrike was the first time the fighter jet had brought down an aircraft since the plane debuted in combat in Syria and Iraq almost a decade ago.

    Hit on Chinese balloon was F-22’s first air-to-air strike

    How heroic, that surely paid off all those billions.
