You got some dude coming to attack you with a knife? Point finger guns at him and say "Poop", they poop instantly stopping them in their tracks, confusing the ever loving fuck out of them... Then you do it again while they stare at you, slowly working out it's you doing this.
You walk up to them as they slowly try to retreat from you, you hit them one more time and walk off into the distance, leaving him to try to get home without anyone noticing he pooped his pants, because who's gonna believe him?
What I want to know is, do I have control over consistency, force, and quantity? Is there a limit to the range for this power? Do I need line of sight or is it more of a "Death Note" thing? Can I cause defecation syncope? Can I make someone poop themself to death?
So far it seems to be whatever they have going on already, you can modify force tho, but that has risks of its own... It seems that as long as I have some form of live visual of the person it works.