Future James Bond films have been reportedly stalled due to disagreements between Amazon Studios and franchise producer Barbara Broccoli.
The report outlined that the fallout is due to differences over the creative direction of the franchise, with Amazon reportedly in favour of “Marvel-style” ideas to expand the franchise, such as spinoff shows and films.
No, for fucks sake. No!
Broccoli is reported to have baulked at the pitch, telling friends that Amazon are “fucking idiots” who are taking the franchise “hostage”. She has reportedly expressed her disinterest in continuing to work with Amazon for any Bond films. NME has reached out to Amazon MGM Studios for comment.
"Fucking idiots" indeed. And too predictable, to be honest.
Funny you should say that. Roger Moore gave up the Bond role when he realized that his Bond girl co-star was younger than his own daughter. He felt really icky having romance scenes with her and decided it was time to end his contract.
If Bond is about that, why does the Daniel Craig Bond use almost no gadgets?
At least the first 3 movies, the only gadgets is like a handgun that detects who uses it, a Bond car from the Sean Connery era, some explosive necklace and ... a phone.
That was their point. They were trying to draw a distinction between the Bond era prior to Craig, and after, where they argue that the lack of goofy gimmicks and at least slightly more grounded plots that represent the Craig era are the departure from the definitive Bond years.
What's wrong with Dalton? I liked Living Daylights. Licence to Kill was alright too. They went too far in the "gritty" direction on the latter in my personal opinion, but at least they were trying something new, especially since some of the later Moore films went a little too far in the "wacky" direction (cough cough Moonraker)
Don't get me wrong, I like Moonraker, and Moore's Bond for that matter.
It's just that sometimes you're watching a spy movie and the US launches a space shuttle into orbit, which is met by a space shuttle owned by Elon Musk some billionaire space tycoon (which he stole from himself), then they both open up and a bunch of army guys and billionaire goons float out and have a laser gun space battle, and you kinda have to step back and wonder how you got there.
Dalton did a great job with what he was given. The first few minutes of Brosnan's movie brought back the cigarettes and casual sex. Dalton's Bond was 'cleaned up' for the AIDS era.
Timothy Dalton movies at least performed better consistently (albeit it two movies isn’t as consistent as one needs). Not to mention that Roger Moore is a fucking creep. The women on screen didn’t seem to want him so much as they feared him. Connery is clearly desired by women and Brosnan is just the ideal Bond in my head (I blame the N64). Roger Moore has such awful movies by comparison and his arrogance IRL just makes it that much worse.
Idk if I’d believe that, but take a look at his Wikipedia political views. The guy was a total dick. He believed that Britain shouldn’t be in the EU currency because of his love for the queen, and he criticized the new films for being too politically correct. Link
I give Dalton a lot of credit. He was making Bond in the middle of the AIDS era. They had to cut out the wild, promiscuous sex and even denied him cigarettes. It was like making a Superman movie where the actor had to be in Clark Kent's clothes and never wore the cape.