Many who voted democrat in 2020 voted republican in 2024 because the billionaire class convinced them democrats caused inflation when democrats said they would tax billionaires.
No, blue voters didn't vote for Republicans. This is the second thread I see you posting this misinformation when it's not remotely true outside of ONE demographic (Latino men). Left of centre democrats just didn't show up to the polls (and they had no reason to, tbh).
You can look up the turnout numbers yourself, it's literally headline news.
Edit: nvm, you seem to have it out for Bernie and think Biden/Harris was a fine ticket even when Dems were asking Biden to step down. I see your game.
All anyone has regarding that is annecdotal. But in my experience many friends, family, coworkers who voted democrat in 2020 were convinced by republican ads that democrats were to blame for the inflation caused by Covid and price gouging.
Trump offers a fake anti-establishment for people who are rightfully mad at the state. Only a working class party can direct that towards actual improvement.
Problem is obviously that a working class party wouldn't be funded and backed by billionaire capitalists the way the duopoly is; that's the point of liberal "democracies" — keeping capitalist parties in power.
I really cannot see how anyone who would vote for trump would vote for sanders. its like apples and poison ivy. I don't get those who don't vote in a democracy either. I hate living in this eroding time period but way the hell glad to be living when democracy is considered the standard form of government. On tope of it we get to vote for the office, and get to vote for people to run for the office, and can sign signatures to get people on the ballot to run for office. I feel like people really don't have a good sense of human history.
Yeah I just don't see it. They could not be more different to me. I have no idea what measure these people are using that they would flip between those two. so I get they exist but its so outside my perspective I can't grok the individual who is like that. Its like flat earthers for me.
They couldn’t be more different to me, either, but what we think is irrelevant. Whatever their reasons, and no matter how alien those reasons might be to you and me, significant numbers of people really did flip.
Going passed the disinformation in your first line. The people who vote are all that matter in a democracy. The others are basically dependent on their decision making regardless of if its because they can't or won't.
By design. Voting day is not a holiday and on a work day. Poor and working class are disenfranchised as a result. Fewer turn out because it's not worth skipping work to stand in voting lines for hours.
Going passed the disinformation in your first line.
lmao "It's disinformation when someone calls me unintelligent and uninformed". What happened, did you get tired of people telling you "that's not what ad hominem means" and reach for the next rhetorical pejorative that crossed your mind?
Are you justifying insulting folks in online debate? Do you think insults are appropriate to debate? This is a much simpler issue that does not even get to logic or reason as is dead on arrival once one gets that crass.
I made no value judgements about insulting people (you don't really need to specify "in online debate"), I was amused by the fact that you called it "disinformation" when it was just an insult and pointing out how silly it was.
yeah the disinformation was me trying to be clever in my reply. yes it was clearly and insult but since it was one that was based on the idea that the replier has some knowledge about my level of intelligence or how well informed I am (although the statement made ironically usually implies an and when phrased that way) I decided to call it disinformation. IE its my way of saying I am well educated, score well on tests, and have a much broader knowledge set than at least most people I know and I have worked in academia and live in a major metropolitan area (note if you limit it to academia my knowledge set becomes significantly more average)
It just makes you sound like a dweeb because "disinformation" is the dem-aligned version of "fake news". I don't have the slightest interest interest in your life story.
thats nice but now an insult once again rears its head in the discourse even if softened by making it somewhat in direct. Unfortunately I had to explain why I used the word when explaining why I used the word ever if you were uninterested. Its just a thing in discourse. Someone brings up a particular point and you assume they are interested in knowing the why around it.