This is your reminder that Data walked around his colony completely naked until he was specifically programmed to stop doing it with a "modesty subroutine."
Data meets Juliana Tainer, former wife of Dr. Noonien Soong and Data's "mother," but she holds a shocking secret that even she doesn't know she carries. "Captain's log, stardate 47410.2. The Atrean government has requested assistance in averting a natural disaster. Two of their geologists have come ...
She reveals that one thing she and Soong couldn't possibly have anticipated was that Data didn't mind being naked, although some of the colonists certainly did as he is anatomically correct. The Soongs asked him to dress, but he didn't feel it was necessary as he didn't "suffer from the elements." With a laugh, Juliana concludes that they had to resort to writing a modesty subroutine just so Data would keep his clothes on.
They should have raised him on a nudist colony. With all the other whacky "human" colonies out there I bet at least one of them hangs dong all day long.
"People will be naked in the future and no one will care" was such a common sci-fi trope by the 1980s that I'm actually surprised they didn't have censor-friendly naked people on TNG at times.
[Insert SpongeBob diaper meme pointing out the Edo people, Betazoid weddings, Ferengis' treatment of females, that time Lwaxana took Alexander to a holodeck mud bath, "decontamination" on Enterprise, etc.]