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Laws to ban live sheep exports by 2028 pass parliament following lengthy debate
  • Most people in the meat industry agree it's a good move.
    It's only the unscrupulous and greedy ones that are kicking up a fuss.
    Just because we raise animals for slaughter doesn't mean we can't minimise the discomfort the animals experience.

  • Life expectancy in Australia has fallen for the first time in about 30 years

    It's the first time in more than 50 years that an infectious disease is among the five leading causes of death in Australia.

    Life expectancy in Australia has fallen for the first time in about 30 years
    Australia explained to Americans
  • Adelaide ... associated with religion/church

    Please, tell me more about a place you've never been, but half remember hearing it's the "city of churches".

    51.3% of people had no religion

    49.1% of people had no religion

    43.8% of people had no religion

  • As Fact Check signs off after 11 years, here's your guide to being your own fact checker
  • Whilst I didn't always agree with their pronouncements, having a fact checker at this time seems to me a very important thing.

    They include reference to "a new in-house verification reporting team, ABC News Verify", but that sounds like they'll only be verifying their own news, which is nice, but not the point.

  • As Fact Check signs off after 11 years, here's your guide to being your own fact checker

    Eleven years ago, the first formal fact check was published at the ABC. A lot has been fact checked between then and now — here's how to spot a dubious claim.

    As Fact Check signs off after 11 years, here's your guide to being your own fact checker
    Julian Assange reunites with family as he arrives in Canberra
  • That was an editor at The Guardian, David Leigh.

  • Julian Assange reunites with family as he arrives in Canberra
  • This didn't happen, Wikileaks vetted information before releasing it for exactly this reason.

    Name one person.

  • Julian Assange released from prison and has left UK, WikiLeaks says
  • Yes, the threats worked and the corrupt won.

    Now he gets to see his kids.
    I'd choose that too.
    You can call it cowardice, I'd call it pragmatism.

  • Julian Assange released from prison and has left UK, WikiLeaks says
  • The US get to show just how tough they are on whistleblowers and their associates.
    Assange gets to go home.

    If I was him, I'd keep my head down and try to get to know my kids.

  • Julian Assange released from prison and has left UK, WikiLeaks says

    WikiLeaks says its founder, Julian Assange, has been released from prison and has left the United Kingdom, shortly after court documents revealed a plea deal that would allow him to return to Australia.

    Julian Assange released from prison and has left UK, WikiLeaks says
    6 Release 10.9.7 · jellyfin/jellyfin

    🚀 Jellyfin Server 10.9.7 We are pleased to announce the latest stable release of Jellyfin, version 10.9.7! This minor release brings several bugfixes to improve your Jellyfin experience. As always,...

    Release 10.9.7 · jellyfin/jellyfin

    #Jellyfin Server 10.9.7 General Changes Fix HDR detection for 4K Blu-Ray BDMVs [PR #12166], by @Bond-009 Log album name and id in normalization task [PR #11911], by @Bond-009 Try to add extracted lyrics during scanning [PR #12126], by @gnattu Fix season backdrops [PR #12055], by @Shadowghost Rewrite PlaylistItemsProvider as ILocalMetadataProvider [PR #12053], by @Shadowghost Fix empty image folder removal for legacy locations [PR #12025], by @Shadowghost Fix season handling [PR #12050], by @Shadowghost Only cleanup children on specific exceptions [PR #12134], by @Shadowghost Remove incomplete mediatype restriction from playlists [PR #12024], by @Shadowghost Fix MicroDVD being recognized as DVDSUB subtitles [PR #12149], by @nyanmisaka Fix Cleanup Task metadata saving [PR #12123], by @Shadowghost Fix the Australian PG rating [PR #12043], by @oddstr13 Map IPv6 mapped IPv4 addresses back to IPv4 before running checks [PR #12094], by @Shadowghost Do not override if is set [PR #12120], by @Shadowghost Make m2ts extension case-insensitive [PR #12065], by @Rivenlalala Overwrite supported codecs for livetv [PR #12017], by @gnattu Check hearing impared flags with equality instead of contains [PR #12026], by @Bond-009 Fix local episode image thumb recognition [PR #12039], by @Shadowghost Fix video embedded image detection [PR #12031], by @nyanmisaka Fix replace all and respect metadata settings [PR #12028], by @Shadowghost Fix Music Brainz release group query [PR #12073], by @Shadowghost Fix mpeg-ts detection [PR #12046], by @gnattu Do not fail user deletion if we have no playlist folder [PR #12037], by @Shadowghost

    #Jellyfin Web 10.9.7 Security Disable eval support in pdfjs [PR #5694], by @thornbill Fix episode overview markdown render [PR #5680], by @Chaitanya-Shahare

    General Changes Fix loading hides too early [PR #5681], by @dmitrylyzo HtmlVideoPlayer fix and cleanup [PR #5718], by @dmitrylyzo

    WA now has the 'toughest firearms laws' in the country. So who can keep their guns?
  • I didn't say they were great.
    I'm saying that the current rise in minors is a symptom of voter dissatisfaction.

    These changes to WA law related to firearms are sold to the general public as being "tough on crime" or in some nebulous way "making communities safer", when realistically they won't impact criminals in any but the most tangential way.

    What is going to happen is that someone who is a law abiding citizen, already subject to all sorts of regulatory compliance, is going to have decide which of their guns they can most easily forgo to get under an arbitrary cap.

    If you don't like guns, lets use a metaphor and imagine you're a golfer who is now forced to choose whether they are going to forgo the putter, the sand wedge, the iron or the wood - because people who don't even play golf have decided you can only have 3.

  • WA now has the 'toughest firearms laws' in the country. So who can keep their guns?
  • There are very few people, even in a dyed in community like shooting, that are so one eyed as to wholly pivot their vote on a single issue.
    But it has lead directly to minor parties and independents gaining traction in regional areas (places where gun owners per capita are higher).
    This is why groups like Shooters Fishers and Farmers sprung up.

  • WA now has the 'toughest firearms laws' in the country. So who can keep their guns?
  • This specific image from the article has me cringing:

    Argh my eye

  • WA now has the 'toughest firearms laws' in the country. So who can keep their guns?

    The WA government says its new firearms laws are the toughest in the country, “making explicit that the possession and use of a firearm is a privilege but not a right”, according to the police minister.

    WA now has the 'toughest firearms laws' in the country. So who can keep their guns?
    Coalition announces where they want to build nuclear power stations
  • So 450 x 1.8 = $810B

    (I’m assuming I haven’t made a mistake about the 14 hours of storage and the converting between GW and GWh).

    You have, that $1.8B would get 14GWh, not 1.
    So 450 / 14 = 32.2
    32.2 * 1.8 = $57.96B

    These are all back of the envelope numbers of course, but 58 is ~ 14 times less than 810.

    Would their seven proposed nuclear stations be cheaper than $810 Billion?

    CSIRO has cranked these numbers out in a whole bunch of configurations.

    In short: Australia's leading scientific organisation found it would cost at least $8.5 billion to build a large-scale nuclear power plant in the country.

    8.5 * 7 = $59.5B

    So it's within the ballpark to build 7 nuclear powerplants, compared to 33 (more likely less but bigger) off river pumped hydro locations.

    Which don't cost as much to run, have no "scary" nuclear and can be operable much sooner, integrating with the existing infrastructure (instead of replacing it, as Nuclear effectively would have to).

    If we build even one Nuclear power plant, we're going to see continuing solar and wind curtailment, exactly like they do with coal right now - which will effectively set an expensive floor on power prices.

    Nuclear isn't happening if we follow the science, the money and the NIMBY sentiment.

    Edit to add:
    The BIGGEST difference in my mind is where the money will come from.
    No financial institution will touch Nuclear, it would have to be tax dollars.
    Whilst private companies are always angling for government subsidy, they are also clamouring to invest in this themselves.

    A quick google search gives me a private example that is projected to come online this year:

    It's only 2GWh, but it's going to start contributing to the end of coal by the end of this year, which ignoring the environmental benefit, is going to reduce wholesale power prices.

    Waiting for Nuclear will make power prices worse, as the interim calls for continuing to run the coal and gas, which isn't going to make it 15 years, so new coal (or more likely a buttload more gas) will have to be built.
    Which is going to RAISE prices, as it's no longer just running costs on paid off installations, it's repaying loans on new constructions.

  • Coalition announces where they want to build nuclear power stations
  • That source doesn’t have a link to their paper that works.

    Yeah, link rot.
    I did some googling for you: Emission Fossil Scenarios.pdf

  • Coalition announces where they want to build nuclear power stations
  • But as far as I know we can’t build anywhere near enough hydro in Australia.

    A study at the Australian National University (ANU) identified about 3,000 low-cost potential sites around Australia with head typically better than 300 metres and storage larger than one gigalitre (see Figure 3). The sites identified have a combined energy storage potential of around 163,000 GWh. To put this into perspective, a transition to a 100% renewable electricity system would need 450 GWh of PHES storage. The potential pumped hydro energy storage resource is almost 300 times more than required. Developers can afford to be very selective since only about 20 sites (the best 0.1% of sites) would be required to support 100% renewable electricity generation.

    Emphasis mine.

  • Coalition announces where they want to build nuclear power stations
  • Let me paraphrase the LNP here:
    "Private companies have researched Nuclear and decided it's not cost effective."
    "Financial institutions have investigated Nuclear and decided they WILL NOT INVEST."
    "But our financial backers at the Mineral Council and the private companies dragging the last of the profit out of their end of life coal power stations are insisting that we continue with our current market AS LONG AS POSSIBLE, so we've decided to announce an extremely long term plan, to scare private investment out of renewables short term."
    "Don't worry, between NIMBYs in the target areas, laws surrounding nuclear energy, lack of local expertise and the general unsuitability of Nuclear for our widely dispersed yet small population, we won't actually build more than one of these things."
    "Jokes on them, we were only pretending to be retarded."

  • Andrew Forrest says Coalition’s abandonment of 2030 emissions target would ‘decimate’ economy

    Mining magnate says investors need certainty as opposition’s climate policy comes under increasing scrutiny

    Andrew Forrest says Coalition’s abandonment of 2030 emissions target would ‘decimate’ economy

    cross-posted from:

    1 Andrew Forrest says Coalition’s abandonment of 2030 emissions target would ‘decimate’ economy

    Mining magnate says investors need certainty as opposition’s climate policy comes under increasing scrutiny

    Andrew Forrest says Coalition’s abandonment of 2030 emissions target would ‘decimate’ economy
    1 Coalition to impose ‘cap’ on renewable energy investment, Nationals leader says

    David Littleproud claims Australia doesn’t need ‘large-scale industrial wind farms’ like the planned offshore zone south of Sydney

    Coalition to impose ‘cap’ on renewable energy investment, Nationals leader says
    1 Opposition vows to scrap NSW offshore wind farms in Labor heartland

    During a rare visit to Wollongong, National Party leader David Littleproud confirms that, if elected, the opposition will scrap both offshore wind zones in New South Wales.

    Opposition vows to scrap NSW offshore wind farms in Labor heartland
    2 Fake job ads waste applicants' time and harm their wellbeing. So why are companies posting them?

    Fake job listings are increasingly used by companies to give the illusion they're thriving and to placate overworked staff. If you're applying for work, there are plenty of clues to look out for to avoid wasting your time.

    Fake job ads waste applicants' time and harm their wellbeing. So why are companies posting them?

    It's been a long time since I was on the job market, but it was certainly disheartening how low the response ratio was. I must have sent out 40 applications for every response, even an acknowledgement of receipt was rare.

    'Own goal': One Nation mocks Robert Irwin's legal threat to sue over cartoon
  • A parody mimics an original work directly.

    This is One Nation abusing the copyright exception of "Parody or Satire" to deliberately to stir up controversy for their own gain.

    He might not have a legal case, but using a famous persons likeness without their permission is dirty.

  • Lemmy 0.19.4
  • Just to resurrect this thread from a week ago, posts I just made in /c/Adelaide are not showing thumbnails.

  • Australia Community Anniversary Thread
  • And thank you for modding.
    I didn't want to call you out by name.
    You've already noticed that I've transferred here as my official instance.

  • Australia Community Anniversary Thread
  • "Be the change you want to see in the world".
    Then a moderator was unhappy with my posts, so I stopped.

  • Weird whitespaces in some webpages.
  • My gut suggests it's a font issue, like librewolf is using a system font and firefox is using embedded or downloaded fonts.

    backing that up with a search, I see there's lots of people complaining of font rendering issues of various types in the librewolf subreddit:

    I don't know what your fix is, but I hope this helps guide you.

  • We're good, seriously! - Jellyfin

    We have quite a budget collected over the last 5 years, and while we're really happy to see so many in the Jellyfin community contribute to us, we want to ask you to stop! No, really. We don't actually need your money. At least, not here an...

    We're good, seriously! - Jellyfin

    > We have quite a budget collected over the last 5 years, and while we're really happy to see so many in the Jellyfin community contribute to us, we want to ask you to stop! > > No, really. We don't actually need your money. At least, not here and now. > > We have over $24,000 in the bank, and with average monthly expenses of only ~$600, that's over 40 months (3.3 years) of runway! So, we have plenty of money for the near future. > > Thus, at this time, we want you to seriously consider donating to the authors of Clients you use, instead of (or in addition to) the main project. Client support is the hardest part of the Jellyfin ecosystem to keep going, and most of them are maintained by only a single person or very small team. With the API changes in 10.9.0 and the upcoming 10.10.0 releases, they're going to be very busy trying to keep up, and thus could really use your support in a way that the core project here doesn't right now. > > So, if there's a client you use every day and that you love, consider finding it's author in our list of official clients, and sending them a little something instead (or too). > > No, this doesn't violate our policy of "no paid development", because donations are just that - donations. We will still not honour bug bounties or similar, and still not use our collective finance here for paid development. So don't feel like you're doing something wrong, you're not! > > I'll leave this notice up until we drop to ~1 year (12 months) of remaining runway, at which time we can re-evaluate where we're at. > > Happy watching!

    I personally would rather see then take some of the "extra" money and apportion it to suitable client projects themselves, but I can understand them not wanting to become financial administrators in that way.

    46 Release 10.9.6 · jellyfin/jellyfin

    🚀 Jellyfin Server 10.9.6 We are pleased to announce the latest stable release of Jellyfin, version 10.9.6! This minor release brings several bugfixes to improve your Jellyfin experience. As always,...

    Release 10.9.6 · jellyfin/jellyfin

    #Jellyfin Server 10.9.6 General Changes Fix fallback artist when taglib fails [PR #11989], by @gnattu Do not stop validation if folder was removed [PR #11959], by @Shadowghost Use only 1 write connection/DB [PR #11986], by @Bond-009 Set ProductionLocations instead of Tags [PR #11984], by @Shadowghost

    #Jellyfin Web 10.9.6 General Changes Remove IMDb references [PR #5668], by @thornbill Fix uneven slider value [PR #5667], by @dmitrylyzo

    4 Release 10.9.5 · jellyfin/jellyfin

    🛑 ✋ ⛔ 🚫 This release is still pending while builds complete. This will be replaced with the real release message once those finish. Do not attempt upgrades until this placeholder text is replaced.

    Release 10.9.5 · jellyfin/jellyfin

    #Jellyfin Server 10.9.5 General Changes Fallback to local dir when saving to media dir fails [PR #11978], by @Shadowghost Fix Library renaming [PR #11963], by @gnattu Fix identify over NFO and replace all when NFO saving enabled [PR #11921], by @Shadowghost Create readonly DB connections when possible [PR #11969], by @Bond-009 Fix local image saving [PR #11934], by @Shadowghost Fix dateadded and movie NFO recognition [PR #11935], by @Shadowghost Increase lyrics migration batch size to 5000 [PR #11943], by @Shadowghost Export trailer URLs in new format [PR #11958], by @Shadowghost Do not delete file locations for virtual episodes and seasons [PR #11954], by @Shadowghost NextUp query respects Limit [PR #11956], by @cptn-x Only set season path if season folder parsing was successful [PR #11920], by @Shadowghost Check trailer distinction by URL [PR #11933], by @Shadowghost

    #Jellyfin Web 10.9.5 Enhancements Mark desktop Opera as AV1 and HEVC ready in fmp4 [PR #5662], by @gnattu Prioritise HEVC over H264 in HLS TS streams on webOS [PR #5621], by @FintasticMan Use display missing episodes setting in search [PR #5661], by @thornbill Update activity table column widths [PR #5658], by @thornbill General Changes Fix live tv images being ignored [PR #5664], by @thornbill Fixed being unable to properly long press on cards to multiselect on Firefox [PR #5660], by @ConnorS1110 Revert "Fix extra requests in standalone mode" [PR #5657], by @thornbill Fix video OSD not fully hiding [PR #5653], by @dmitrylyzo Fix background being invisible with theme videos [PR #5640], by @mihawk90

    7 Release 10.9.4 · jellyfin/jellyfin

    🚀 Jellyfin Server 10.9.4 We are pleased to announce the latest stable release of Jellyfin, version 10.9.4! This minor release brings several bugfixes to improve your Jellyfin experience. As always,...

    Release 10.9.4 · jellyfin/jellyfin

    12 Release 10.9.3 · jellyfin/jellyfin

    🚀 Jellyfin Server 10.9.3 We are pleased to announce the latest stable release of Jellyfin, version 10.9.3! This minor release brings several bugfixes to improve your Jellyfin experience. As always,...

    Release 10.9.3 · jellyfin/jellyfin

    Forum Post:

    Changelog: Extract media attachment one by one if the filename appears to be a path [PR #11812], by @gnattu Filter invalid IPs on external interface matching [PR #11766], by @gnattu Use SharedStream for LiveTV more restrictively [PR #11805], by @gnattu Fix the IOSurf error in QSV transcoding [PR #11830], by @nyanmisaka Improve reliability of HasChanged check [PR #11792], by @Shadowghost Trickplay: kill ffmpeg when task is cancelled [PR #11790], by @NotSaifA Force more compatible transcoding profile for LiveTV [PR #11801], by @gnattu Exclude virtual items from DateLastMediaAdded calculation [PR #11804], by @Shadowghost Add Canceled to ended state [PR #11808], by @Shadowghost Recalculate trickplay image height for anamorphic videos [PR #11798], by @gnattu Fix BD/DVD folder chapter image extraction [PR #11754], by @Shadowghost Mark SearchHint.MatchedTerm as nullable [PR #11802], by @crobibero Disable VA-VK interop on not supported kernel versions [PR #11799], by @nyanmisaka Retain order blu-ray segments [PR #11781], by @Bond-009 Override too small trickplay image interval [PR #11788], by @gnattu Apply audio boost when downmixing regardless of downmixalgo [PR #11774], by @Bond-009 Fix VideoToolbox H264 constrained profile option [PR #11713], by @gnattu Do not run trickplay on scan if disabled [PR #11739], by @Shadowghost Don't require user when getting current session [PR #11738], by @crobibero

    Jellyfin 10.9.0 Stable release Jellyfin 10.9.0 | Jellyfin

    We are pleased to announce the latest stable release of Jellyfin, version 10.9.0!

    Jellyfin 10.9.0 | Jellyfin

    I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been an official post about this yet.

    Big thanks to @joshuaboniface and the rest of the Jellyfin team

    I'm also personally waiting for 10.9.1, there appears to be a small migration issue, and a memory leak.

    5 Engie to shut two South Australian generators as losses mount

    The decision impacts 138MW of diesel-powered plants that are rarely used and adds further evidence of the financial pressures facing older thermal plants.

    Engie to shut two South Australian generators as losses mount

    Not really news.

    Engie were being paid 9 Million a year to have these things do nothing as practically unused backup and ElectraNet didn't renew the contract.

    Jellyfin 10.8.12 released

    Joshua Boniface says:

    >We're pleased to announce a new hotfix release for the Jellyfin server and web client, 10.8.12! > >This release brings in a few bugfixes since 10.8.11, including fixes for broken playlists ( 🙌 ), VAAPI UMD/KMD, and others; please see the full changelog for details! Note that this release does NOT include an update to SkiaSharp to fix their recent CVEs, as the updated version of the library segfaults Jellyfin on any API access. We are continuing to investigate options there but did not want to block these other bugfixes on that. > >10.8.12 should be a seamless upgrade for anyone running 10.8.11 (I just tested it myself), but of course if you notice any problems please open a thread in the Troubleshooting forum for assistance! > >The release on GitHub, including changelog, is at: link > >Binaries are available in all the usual places: Docker Hub, Our Official OS Repos, and Our Main Repository Page. > >Happy watching!

    Mountaineer Mountaineer
    Posts 35
    Comments 86